Coming Later This Year: Shadowlands Season 4

It has already been mentioned a few times, but I really feel like the Mega dungeon approach is not the healthiest option. For me, personally, I still don’t have a strong opinion on Tazavesh, but as it’s brand new, I think it’s okay for it to stay. (of course, I would expect all of Shadowlands’ dungeons to be available, as well?) However, Mechagon, was one of the dungeons, that I tried to skip as much as possible during BFA, and from my runs of Karazhan to farm (I unsubbed with the Karazhan release patch, back in the day), it’s a maze. And not only that, this way we get 2 dungeons per xpack, that are virtually the same - ghosts of Karazhan, and Mechagon.

In my opinion, a dungeon choice of, let’s say, THE MOTHERLOAD, and Atal Dazar, for example for BFA, or maybe King’s rest and the Underrot. And, let’s say the nightmare and the Wardens for Legion. This way we get to experience a bit of diversity, some flavour for the expansion, that they were taken from.

My advise would be to open a poll for each Xpack, and not only for the WoD one.

As well as the raids, in my opinion, should be from old xpacks.

That’s my 2 cents. I really enjoy the idea!


Then don’t play it, without that there would have been an even worse content drought.

No1 will miss you.


… What are you exactly paying for except complaining on the forums?


Nobody cares about your trolling.

World content, mainly. You know… Doing what I think is fun in this game.
Weird concept huh?

Will I be able to farm the raids at current difficulty, without affixes, like for things such as the Sylvanas mount before the expansion ends?

Then nothing changed for you, rejoice.


Of course it does… No new world content means WAITING A YEAR HAVING NOTHING NEW TO DO. I’m not paying for that.

Newsflash: You’d do that regardless of this change to content you partake in or not.

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Not if they would release the new expansion later this year.

Genius, why didn’t they think about this before! Just release a new expansion!

I mean, surely with the state of the game already you’d see why a new expansion isn’t ready?

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I do not like this ideas at all.

First of all, as a stable WoW player for the past 16+ years I do experience most aspects of the game at all times.

I already hate the fact that I have to do the same dungeons over and over again for a span of 3+ years. Now you are thinking not only to keep that but include dungeons that I was doing years ago. Spicing it up it doesn’t change the fact that it is the same food.

The same pretty much I feel for the raids as well.
What good will it make to add yet another mode for the old raids?
Will I see another story? Will I experience another scenery? No. I will just have to go through the same raids with just some changes here and there. And I am afraid to speak my thoughts but I feel that you are planning to have this a fact for the entire duration of your next expansions which will make the raiding experience really bad for me.

I want new content. I want new stories.
I want to have fun exploring with my fellow raiders and guild members.
I do not want to play the same stuff again just because you delayed things or just because you do not want to invest into new things.

Thank you for reading.


So they waste even more time on recycling old crap?! Yeah great plan.

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The option is to not change anything up and leave us with season 3 until the next expansion. Or give us season 4 with exactly the same premise as Season 3, only changing the seasonal affix in M+.

I’d rather they siphon resources onto a new expansion rather than adding a new zone that does nothing for the game, as Shadowlands is already… well, Shadowlands.

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I want the option where we get the expansion sooner rather than later.

And them putting in an extra season that gives ‘some’ content to raiders/M+ players and not non-big 3 players is a HUGE spit in the face of those players.
So I will unsub. Simple as that.

I don’t mind the idea, even though some of the dungeons are my least favorite ones. But this effectively means you’re pushing the expac 6-10 months further down the line and I really doubt whatever you try will make up for that.

I’m feeling almost done with shadowlands already, and I think a lot of people do. It will be fun for a month or two longer while 2 legos and tier sets are new, but I don’t think i’ll be playing if you extend it 6-10 months longer for a weird trial season with no other new content.

Fun idea, poor choice of timing.

In case you haven’t followed, Blizzard hasn’t been feeling very well lately, and we’re coming out of a pandemic (hopefully), Patch 9.1 showed clear signs of the pandemic and problems at Blizzard, with certain sloppiness in several cutscenes.

And that is fine. I hated 9.1 and just went for KSM in the month I played it, then quit. See you 10.0 then.

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My opinion is mixed. While I appreciate the effort to mix up “older” content, increase player power, etc., I the dungeon selection sounds very stale. I love Karazhan, Mechagon and Tazavesh, but all were better as slow paced mega dungeons anyway, and we ran them a lot very recently.

I’d much rather have a history of WoW themed M+ with a dungeon from every expansion, starting with Classic and the Stratholme Baron run time trial which started it all way back in 2006.

Same with raids maybe, bring on some old favorites instead of the ones we just experienced.

Expand timewalking, make it every week with more events and more meaningful rewards. Add Classic Timewalking. Oh, and add Classic Sunken Temple as a mega dungeon!

Add back the original versions of Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman maybe as well. There are soooooo many good things to keep the experience fresh even if we just recycle old stuff with slight modifications.

Also, Brawler’s Guild.


I personally don’t like Karazhan and hate Mechagon, would prefer Court of Stars and maybe Seat of Triumvirate from Legion and Auchindoun from WoD (and probably nothing from bfa).


I don’t care. Seemingly Shadowlands’ content was already cut short with it only receiving 2 major patches (while other expansions received 3 in the same timespan). So, that SHOULD have made up for quite some development time.

Imo they NEED to release 10.0 this year.

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