Coming Later This Year: Shadowlands Season 4

Which doesn’t reflect well on you, but that’s your choice.

That’s easy to say when you ARE getting something new to do - recycled or not.

Which is why I’m waiting a bit. But leaving it completely out of this announcement is a mistake and a bad call on Blizzard’s part.

They’re getting a new selection of dungeons, which is a hell of a lot better than ‘nothing’ + new and upgraded rewards.

Basically M+, PvPers and Raiders are going to get MUCH better gear than non big 3 players unless world content ilvl is also updated (which they said nothing about - hence my issues with this announcement) at the very least.

Hell, if they’re recycling old content for big 3 players, recycle some content for ‘us’. Give us a phased new version of Timeless isles with updated drops and such.

I like the new m+ and raid features but
It would be great when we’ll get unique low drop chance transmogs in every raid(in mythic difficult)… Like MOP tusks of mannoroth or BFA Scythe of the Unmaker
In this case why we don’t get a Jailer Armor transmog in Shadowlands???

You’ve been getting new world content every patch with perhaps a few exceptions with .5 patches.

Yeah. Once per 2 years + a mega-dungeon sometime during. Compare it to the amount of new zones and questlines introduced with basically each patch. Also calling upgraded rewards “content” is a huge stretch.

I don’t think that they should do an announcement every time they are about to adjust the numbers on gear drops - it comes as an expectation with every patch.

We’re talking about ‘season 4’ here.

Again; We’re talking about ‘season 4’ here.
Not other patches and such.

And yeah; the higher rewards are part of the content because it’s a new incentive to DO that content.

Season 4, the thing we’re discussing here, is not a patch.
Whether it will come with patch 9.2.5 remains to be seen.
That’s another communication thing they can improve upon.

Ok, 2 questions then:

  1. When has there ever been a Season update without the accompanying patch?

  2. If you want to be this insufferably pedantic with words and definitions, when has there ever been Season 1/2/x of “World Content”? In your own words:

Surely your complaints don’t belong in this thread following your own logic.

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I am not a fan of this idea. The thought of potentially having to progress 3 different raids that I’ve already progressed through the expansion cycle only to get higher item level rewards does not sound entertaining. I was happy to see that 9.2 will be the final major patch with final gearing season because I have alts to play and stuff to collect, but with season 4 announced without a new raid/content it feels like if I’d like to stay competitive I’ll have to engage in a content that is no longer fun or new.

I know I dont have to play the new season if I dont want to, but this idea is simply not appealing to me as someone who’d like to chill in the last major patch of the game and focus on more casual stuff. Hoping this gets aborted.

I believe the amount of people who didn’t enjoy Mechagon is far greater than the number of people who did. There is nobody that likes doing Tazavesh either, specifically streets. Gambit is fine I guess. Please, re-think which dungeons go in the pool and which not. It’s okay to put fan-favorites from each expansion, I hope the decision is not settled. But I will definitely hate myself doing Mechagon all over again. Just do a poll for bfa dungeons too.


Oh thank you blizzard if this is real! and if this is the way the game is headed, ill finally have the motivation to perma delete this game forever, this is a lazy LAZY lazy attempt at content, i dont pay a sub to go back to old content.

You mean all the content you aren’t doing?

I like the concept of bringing back old dungeons at mythic level for those players (like me) who only got into the game a few years ago and only started mythic+ about a year ago… but could this somehow be like to Timewalking? In the sense that the old dungeons come back at mythic difficulty options on a rotation and perhaps make it a month long instead of a week, to give players a bit longer to hit those higher keystones.

OMG Nooo! Is that April fool ? I don’t want play Shadowlands so long… There is nothing to do there. I’m canceling my subscription because I don’t want to play that long Shadowlands expansion.
Bring to us new Expansion this year or Wotlk Classic.

Can we have at least 1 new battleground of flags please?

I dont raid and i dont play dungeons i only pvp some arena and a lot of rated battlegrounds and i feel i dont have new content for me for ages.

Thanks in advance!

I’d love to go back into throne of thunder for sure!

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I particularly like the idea of “making Nathria great again”.

However, regarding this:

While the idea of Mega-Dungeons has been a great one, out of all these three only Karazhan doesn’t sound like a pain to play through on M+. Most people never liked Mechagon in the first place and are fed up already with M+ Tazavesh, too. Especially the last few trash packs in Gambit. Besides, the picks feel a bit random from a story-line point of view.

Like, instead of Mechagon, why not take the Forge of Souls and Halls of Reflection from WotLK to bring some more closure to the storyline in pve?

I would agree with former posters to not only limit the poll on WoD dungeons but let the M+ community have their say in all of these changes to the dungeon pool. Because in the end, we are the one’s who have to play through them…

Hovever, overall, there are some interesting ideas planned for patch 4. Though I definitely won’t do SoD again until I’m able to solo it next expansion.

While in a season 4 of Shadowlands mythic keys it’s a good idea to expand the pool of dungeons, I hope the scaling is worked over. Because the Legion mythic keys felt no where near the same level keys of Shadowlands.

So if merging the key pool of 5 expansions dungeons with very different scaling is what is happening, I don’t know if I’ll be bothered. Simply because there will then be no consistency in the keys. (Legion 15 equals a 20-22 Shadowlands?) I do get that not knowing or having forgot mechanics from said dungeons in challenge mode or mythic plus makes them feel worse then current ones. But to my experienced degree??

Adding affixes to old raids which people did while they were current, is not going to make them feel like new raids. The people you play with today likely are not the same ones, and even if you love to play with the current WoW friends, old raids (like with timewalking) do have a very “Been there, done that” feel to them.

This said I do appreciate effort to give us something to do while we wait for the next expansion. Question is only if it has a form that will make us actually enjoy the game in the period, and not just create frustration and boredom. Don’t really want a rushed Dragonflight expansion either.

It’s maximize profits over everything else.

Hopefully microsoft can bang some heads together and bring in some professionals asap, but it’s likely to be years until any such improvements are seen in game.

Only if I can still dot up the bats while a monk tank kites them in circles.

Just for the sake of clarity, please can it be confirmed that Season 4 will not be releasing on the same date as patch 9.2.5?
There are some assuming that it is but it is not mentioned on the patch notes.

It´s not releasing the same day, it says it pretty clear in the first post :smiley:

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