Coming Later This Year: Shadowlands Season 4

I’d very much prefer a completely new raid, even a small one but this is an interesting new idea.

Questions I have: will us casuals be able to work towards cutting edge of sepulcher of first ones and can we still enter these raids on “normal” normal/heroic/mythic versions of the raids for mounts, transmog and achievements?

Season 4 aka no 10.0 until 2023

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Lol at people thinking 10.0 was coming out this year regardless of this silly new “season”!

New expansion was always going to be a year away at least, and this pointless filler content just proves that.

Plus, it’s typical Blizzard. Coming up with a great idea but implemwnting it terribly. Mechagon? Tazavesh? Seriously? Out of all the great dungeons they’ve created!!!

As a RP casual player, someone WHO don’t enjoy the big 3 I will take this opportunity to unsubscribe for a year until next exp comes.

The rpg audience of this supposed mmorpg game is not getting anything, as always. Fine with me, plenty other things to spend on meanwhile


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Your ilvl says it all and dungeon progress and raiding progress unsub my boy just unsub and cry in a corner

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But I have missed “daddy D” CN is a rly fun raid :slight_smile:

Does it say it all?
What does it say exactly?
Please, oh mighty elitist player, enlighten poor little simple me.

Or, you know… Get lost.


Crawl to me … on your knees!

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While I appreciate this addition, what content will players who don’t do M+, raids or PvP get in season 4? Will there be Legion and Battle for Azeroth content tuning with the increased legacy buff that will allow us to farm those raids as easily as we can farm Warlords of Draenor and earlier raids? Will there be cross faction guilds, communication and tagging outside side of war mode?

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Actually I love these ideas!
My friends and I loved running Operation: Mechagon in BfA and we would be delighted to return in a way that’s challenging. Just because an expansion is over doesn’t mean its content has to be abandoned. I guess Blizz is starting to learn this lesson :blush:

So what about new content? what is in the past it’s in the past.
Blizzard really should stop with this renew of content. If we want to play old content we would go to classic no?

Also we can forget that we have now a RIO systeam in game, so you will be waiting to some dungeons to pop up so we can improve our RIO? x2 to do it in Tyr and Fort.

It’s really important that Blizzard think better what they are doing, for what I have seen people like more good content than puting out some fast made patch to keep us busy.

Now about raids, raids and history line are together, so if you are doing this please make sure that makes sense. Shadowlands had a really good start (imo) but the worst ending ever, don’t make it even worst.
Blizzard should be working of a connection between this expansion and the next one that fix the history, and if you think that going back to old raids will do that go for it!

I hope there is no KSM pls pls pls i want to take a vacation :smiley:

That’s ok you can chill till new expansion and you will save money
so you can spend them in new expansion :smiley:
it’s win win situation for you

Not really, because I WANT to play WoW. If it’s good and I have stuff to do ingame, I love it.
Waiting sucks. Waiting for something that’s delayed sucks even more (that’s of course not confirmed yet, but this announcement heavily implies it).

Now, this could be a case where the devs were so psyched about these particular things, that they made an early announcement about s4, whilst there’s still more to announce about it. Maybe ‘my type of player’ will also get a few tidbits of content thrown there way.
If that’s the case, then it’s okay-ish, but then the mistake lies with this announcement. Because it just tells everyone that the devs really don’t give a damn about a large part of their playerbase and the content that those players like.

To be fair i don’t think

will ever be taken into consideration again
because you are in very small minority for years now :smiley:

I think that’s why blizzard is going this way because they have data
maybe people participating in seasonal content like m+ way more then in ZONE or side activies like covenant sanctum tea party or whatever it is called

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Factually not true.
Also; I’d like to see your source for that claim.

No. They have a raider in charge. A guy who literally referred to himself as an elitist jerk.
So yeah.

Yeah I’m not talking about those crappy covenant activities AT ALL.
I’m talking about world content. And that IS ALSO part of seasonal content.
So it’s a stupid oversight on Blizzard’s part. They need to correct this.

I still stand by what i’m saying they don’t care about people like you cause you don’t engage almost in anything in this game

From what i saw in your profile you didn’t even completed shadowlands world content
and you ask for more

So you are basically paying them just to be able complaing on forums :smiley:

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They are correcting their oversights by playing the long game by experimenting with stuff they can’t test internally instead of releasing a (likely broken and unfinished) first patch of a new expansion early. Also I highly doubt that people making world content are the same people who are responsible for endgame content, and introducing these changes probably won’t take away their resources (especially considering that most of this stuff is already in the game in one way or another). Extra time spent making the new expansion launch a better experience is probably worth the wait, and there still most certainly be some sort of new questlines etc. introduced with the new patch - just not something as grand as a completely new zone.

Also what kind of new content do M+ players get? A set of dungeons at the start of the expansion, 1 mega-dungeon at some point + new affix each season? Let us have some content too, even if it’s technically not new per se. Utilizing outdated content has to be done more often, and I’m glad that they’ve started doing it more, starting with Mage Tower and Legion M+ events.

Either way, maybe this sounds like a terrible idea to you, but it sure is better than having a repeat of BfA and Shadowlands launch states.

That’s how you end up with Grim Depot at the top. I refuse to believe that people genuinely think that this dungeon will play great in M+ environment and aren’t choosing it because it looked cool and gimmicky.

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