Communities - Cant invite members for events?

Hello clever gamers.
I run a PVP community for RBGs and Arena-partner-finding.
I really like the community setup as you can have players from different realms playing together (and not SO many do PVP, so it is a great feature to get the few together).

I make in game calendar events, and there is a spot saying “invite member”, but no matter whose name I write, it “cant find player”… I know that everybody can sign up in a community, but when making events for certain CR groups, it could be REALLY nice if you were able to invite people from your community to events - and that the calender -cross-realm- was able to add your members… I mean they can sign up, so the cross realm mechanic is there - I guess.

If any of you smart people know how to add members to calendar events, please tell me - or else - BLIZZARD, please fix so we can invite community members to events in calendar by writing their name :slight_smile:

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