Community Council is a Failure

Of course it’s on the US forums, they aren’t going to duplicate the council. It’s in one location.

You do not need a US account to be able to read the community council and we even have a pin linking it on the EU.

To placate the community that’s the reason why the Community Council was created.

Those players are an integral part of the sham, they are in on it, here’s why,… you can see the Community Council for what it is but they can’t?

Respect should only go their direction if they all say in a post,… you know what, this Community Council is BS, we quit.

Well its what was expected. Idk what did they think it will achieve.

The hard hiting questions were asked by community over and over even before council and were ignored.

It was clear from the moment they announced it…that these questions will be asked there too. … it happened and they got ignored again. Its propably because devs can do very little about decissions or idk what it is.

Like theres no discussion to be hold when you state to the developer that some systems in game are dogpoop, they are proven to be dogpoop, admitted to be dogpoop even by devs pasively with introducing qol changes like in 9.1.5. …like ok ye these are bad bud what do you wannt them to do about it now when its ouz after long time of developement.

Class balancing, tuning and tweaking insanely broken specs in pvp is another question.

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In principle it was a good idea. But badly executed… especially for a game that’s supposedly available in so many countries.

Each country has its own perceptions of the game, and therefore a better way to do a “player council” is as saw happen in another medium - from the writing world where I work.

The concept there was different but the format might have worked here. There was a thing organised where people from different writing disciplines (authors, editors, cover designers, etc) were able to team up to create a better representation of the whole industry - to give lesser-known people a voice. So you had people representing the authors. As an author I could communicate with those people. They’d have a small group joining up with representatives of other groups to be almost like a union…

Now here’s how it might have worked for this game. For each country, Blizzard selects a “Local Community Liaison” who is in charge of communicating with the HUNDRED selected from that country, i.e. these hundred people represent different aspects as is the case with the Community Council as it is now BUT their role is broader: they communicate and collate information and feedback on a LOCAL level. For example, there would one hundred to represent Germany, another one hundred to represent USA (English speaking community), another hundred for Australia, and so on… you get where I’m getting at.

Like is now they’re selected for a period. Not annually as is the case right now but two years which, based on my experiences of dealing with the group within my author job world, has more capability of creating a sense of impact and more capability of enacting change where needed.

Then the bit where you have a smaller group that’s made up of a mixture of people (the union thing I mentioned above) that can be one hundred people from across all these countries to allow them to compare notes and communicate or highlight aspects of the game that are mutually beneficial or acceptable.

My idea would be a tier system with multiple groups acting on behalf of the greater community, but where the people who are in action groups would also have some capability to ask independently from Blizzard for feedback from the WoW gaming community. An example of this might be: a Community Council Member could ask for feedback on how it is like for a player to be a guild leader right now. So they create a feedback post that WE (the player base with one or more guild leader in our accounts - appropriately flagged for clearance to respond by the Community Liaison) can respond with the good, the bad and the ugly.

“Good feedback is only ever as good as who can give it…” (and I’m paraphrasing the person who, in the writing community, is considered the harshest critic in regards to the latest developments in the publishing industry when saying this.) What he says about publishing applies as much as it does there to this place too. If 99.99% of “feedback” never gets seen, never gets read, never gets acknowledged, or never gets parsed properly.

Questions that I have about the so-called “feedback machine” (i.e. the suggestion box in game, the Community Council, this forum, other ways of communicating to Blizzard) is this: Since its inception of the Suggestion Box in game how many suggestions has Blizzard received in it? How many the suggestions were implemented? How many were rejected?

Because there’s no way to know if the suggestion I might make today, tomorrow or next week, or that I made a year ago, was ever LOOKED AT or might it still be lingering in a backlog somewhere.

The easiest way to let people know their voice matters is by having a visible counter on the app listing “x number of suggestions, y number rejected, z number accepted for consideration, q number moved for discussion with the Community Council.”

But to do it more in line of representing everyone, and Blizzard was the ones claiming that a hundred million accounts had been created since it launched as a business, then a hundred people to represent a million voices is too few. A hundred per country where the game is active, then one voice per country for the ultimate Community Council as a secondary layer of feedback would be much better…

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Everyone knows that the army of twitter simps are the real “community council”


we knew that since day 1

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Regardless of the lack of communication, the council is worthless. They pretty much just copypaste ideas from the general forum to their glorified general forum and then tell each other how great their ideas are.

There are also people giving feedback about mythic raiding with 0 CE achievements and barely any mythic progression, ever. There is a guy giving pvp feedback while he’s pretty much just a meme due to only getting good ranking by exploiting stuff. It just shows that they randomly selected a few “okay-ish” players, gave them a forum title, gave them a whole forum section and let them pat each other on the back 24/7 to make it seem like they care about feedback.

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Officially they’re not even done inviting people yet… Why does it have to take so long?
Are things really so bad in their offices?

If so; why can’t they just be HONEST?!
I think the majority of people would have more sympathy if they just communicated better; even with bad news.

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Just as one of the Preach’s scenarios. Why am not surprised

Because Devs are mostly busy with actually working on stuff.

When you sit at work, do you have the time to have 3-4 chats open and respond every minute while working under pressure of a dead line?

you are funny

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The whole coucil is a joke. “Everything is fine, except for some small things”.
Just a bunch of yes men, except for maybe 1 person.

At least they are talking about important topics, like having tents in the game or how we need more achivements for mount collectors, because those are what’s really wrong with the game, not the stupid gameplay loop, lazy writing and quest design or class balancing. Those are all perfect and fine.


I am shocked that no one said anything about the bs that they did with the lore

Can’t say anything is bad, because little snowflake devs will start crying.

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The silence on their end is just annoying and makes it feel like it’s just another pointless thing. Having a couple of dedicated CMs to actively participate in the discussions would add a lot. Now it feels like the majority of threads just go unread, bit like this forum :grin:

Just here to update everyone that I still can’t find community council forum on EU. Have a good day.

you mean this link???

Its US forums only, but you can reach it from this link - thank me later

I wouldnt really blame them 90% of feedback can be summed up into give me more for less effort or its 100% cringe fest if idea.

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