Community Council is a Failure

Simply because there is little to no communication from blizz devs in that forum. They say pretty much nothing relevant and there is no discussion going back and forth.

The average is like 2-3 replies a week at best and those are “thx for feedback” and the most recent one that baffled me was about how to wargame solo shuffle ignoring how many bugs there are in solo shuffle rn.

Obviously it was just a marketing move and I respect very much the players who spend their own time to formulate ideas on how to improve the game but I think this is pointless and blizzard devs are just mocking on your free time.

Edit: as some of you may not know where to find it:


I can’t find that forum here on EU to read. How did you find it on EU forums?

Don’t tell me to go to US forums.

The visible forum isn’t their only means of communication though, there is also a discord where they talk to the devs.

To me it does seem to be a what we see isn’t the whole story and isn’t quite what we were told it was going to be but I’m still willing to give it longer than 4 months to call it an outright failure. Let it run it’s first year and swap over to the new players and see what happens over that span of time.

Sometimes I think people forget that devs have an actual job to do that doesn’t involve sitting on the forums chatting and any/all changes they decide on will take time to implement anyway.


Go US forums.

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The council is only on US forums, you can just bookmark it.


I know other have said it already. But I can’t miss out on such an obvious bait:

Go to the US Forums



This happens when something is a PR stunt. They invited only shills and pretend its communication with community


I think that would be kinda dull as it defeats the purpose of having transparency and also it would be a lost of time as someone would have to aggregate discord and forum discussions.

Anyone I don’t believe even if they have a discord that is better than what we see on the forum

Just out of spite:

Go to the US forum


Like many people Said when it was announced.

Just look at all the ignored feedback during 9.2 PTR, says enough.

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I forgot the community council existed. Realised a couple of months back that Blizz weren’t going to actually pay any attention to it and just stopped reading the forum. Guess no news ever came out of it, hence buried like a lost memory.

Shame, was a good idea, but they have to respond to more than 5% of threads for it to be seen as useful. Would have loved to see a developer Q&A video with the CC members putting questions to them for an hour each week!

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The only thing we get are scripted interviews with Ion once every 6 months.

Good communication.


Yup. Community Council only works if communication is two-way. If Blizz try to cherrypick topics they want to talk about and won’t engage with the things that players want to discuss, we’re no better off than we were.


since they didnt select players who hold controversial opinions, it was bound to be an echo chamber of polite like farmers


It doesn’t exist for EU. You need to go to the US forums.

The only opinions that matter are always those from the US.

Probably Blizzard

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It was never meant to succeed. Just a PR stunt.


It was just a pr stunt, nothing else.

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Community Council was never actually serious. It was simply a quick and cheap attempt to distract people from the lawsuit drama since people always complained that Blizzard does not listen. By 10.0 they will most likely get rid of it and say that they decided to listen to the entire community and not only a selected few.


Ahahahaha I can almost see that with my mind’s eye.

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