Community deserves to know what is Blizzard's plan with Cata

please kill it and focus on classic era servers, that is vanilla-tbc-wotlk


Cool. But they are not classic era players. The argument “shadowlands is a classic expansion, i started playing it!” is not really valid.

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I wish.

But the thing is, Cata and all that comes after isn’t really designed for the likes of you and I, we’re not the target audience.

To use an analogy: Vanilla and TBC are like a journey on the Orient Express. Sumptuous surroundings, compartments finished in polished wood, hand crafted, everything made with a focus on quality. You eat a beautiful dinner in a dining car, dress up in your best suit, and socialise with other passengers. It’s the experience that matters, the journey is the point of it. Sure there’s a destination - but that’s the least important part of it.

Cata is like a bullet train racing through a concrete tunnel - no frills - with identical rows of plastic seats. You’re handed a sandwich in plastic wrap and coffee in a styrofoam cup - but none of it is memorable or important, as the only thing that matters is getting to your destination as quickly and efficiently as possible. The train is just a means to an end.

All the subsequent expansions added rocket boosters to the train, and even stripped out the seating as the extra weight was slowing it down. The most recent expansion replaced the rockets with nuclear thrusters. Eventually even the train will be obsolete and they’ll just let you teleport directly to your destination - and in WoW terms I can defintitely see a day when levelling is removed altogether and players will simply start the game already max-powered in terms of base stats and simply join a lobby where you just wait to join a raid.


I think they are also trying to rush the final chapter of SoD with BWL being announced and on ptr a month after the molten core flop. They are just flooding us with low quality wow to try to extract as much money as possible.

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that was pretty cringe to read


Cringe as an adjective?

Let me guess, you’re a 15-year old kid?