Community deserves to know what is Blizzard's plan with Cata

I believe it is time for Blizzard to properly communicate how they plan to support Cata throughout the expansion (or not support).

I believe it is public knowledge that in terms of development efforts, Cata is on life support. Ever since Cata Beta was introduced, functionality due to the bugs is atrocious. Plenty of basic stuff simply does not work, there are hundreds of bug reported on GitHub, plenty of them for months and moths. Now look at blue posts with fixes. We are lucky if we get few fixes per month. Let alone some class balancing or changes.

There is big patch coming you might say, 4.4.1. I was also hopeful for that but then I tried it on PTR. Not only things that were hinted to be fixed in that patch are not (only fix I was able to identify myself is “%” character being deleted from character mastery section… good job, took only 4 months), it introduced more new bugs including reforge NPC not working at all etc.

Quality of Cata was very bad since the beginning. I (and many others) hoped that SoD and Cata will take turns in terms of priority, so we expected after Molten Core is done, Cata will get some love with new patch. Sadly with BWL and ZG in development for SoD, it is clearly not the case.

I am happy to be corrected but there is complete lack of communication apart from the road map. Road map is nice but the game is not in a good state. Honestly even just a confirmation that Classic team does not care at all about Cata would be better, at least I know it is not worth my time and money. Communicating this with community would go a long way in my opinion.

Being subscriber just for Cata does not feel worth it at all. Why should I care about a game if devs do not care either? Even private servers have better functionality and are free to play. This is not okay.

One thing that does not make sense to me is why SoD gets all the love when player numbers (according to Ironforge) are not there.


Its pretty clear that Cata has been alocated practically no resources. If we check the amount of bugs reported, which right now amounts to around 300 ( and the amount of fixes were getting (, were on pace to fix most of these by like 2026.

Maybe I am wrong and now that were getting the TWW client, all of these fixes will get resolved, however based on what we have seen so far, its unlikely.

Taking the size of the cataclysm playerbase into account, I think allocating at least a couple devs to bugfix on week to week basis at least until the number of open issues is sub three digits is reasonable. Perhaps our assumptions are wrong and there is a team of people working behind the scenes on cataclysm, but as far as the playerbase is concerned, noone has seen their work lately.


They clearly need a bigger team, and they should have more than enough money to support that bigger team. Stop with this small team when its clear as day they need a way bigger team. Stop being so cheap. ty

Because no one plays catacylsm, no one cares. Its an exp pack that killed wow back then, and it is killing classic now, because it permanently ended the journey experience.

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Yes and that is why player count is twice the number on SoD…

Sorry but blizz are too busy doing far more important fix’s

Like in SOD they fixed my rainbow generator machine’s cast length, it must have been causing all sorts of graphics issues and lag and had to be reduced, yes I’m sure that was the reason they changed it.

I think they have their own priorities / busy caving into various pressure groups and perhaps cata just isn’t it, which is terrible for those enjoying it :frowning:

/mourns his :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: machine

maybe because thats an offical expansion while SoD is literally a spin off experimental mode? Compare cata numbers to wotlk/tbc numers.

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Based on wcl logs what you said is not true when i checked p1 numbers for all 3 versions.

It does not matter really though, the amount of players is too big to be ignored. Sadly for these purposes most of the vanilla whiners left for SoD and as they cry the most, it prolly seems to blizz that they reflect the opinion of vast majority of the community which they in fact do not.

So rereleasing it in a more buggy state that the original was completely justified?We all know the true reason Blizz did little to no testing of Cata and it was due to them redirecting every recourse they had to TWW launch. Now they try to save SoD, Light knows for what reason. Cata playerbase is stable at least up untill mid of firelands T12, but then would enter freefall as DS with LFR come and probably barely would be restored in ToT MoP patch.

There are people playing progression Classic and there will be even some who would love to play MoP Classic. Not sure how Blizzard would go with Draenor Classic, maybe give it half of the year at best, suffering losses while players wait for Legion Classic that will be the last addon that can be made “Classic”. What I am sure that progression Classic would outlive SoD if Blizzard wouldn’t do TBC SoD.

For the record, based on WCL p1 cata has more pop than p1 tbc/vanilla. Whilst i get that this can be skewed a bit as most vanilla enjoyers play to run around gathering world buffs and leveling, the sizes of the pop are likely not that different to justify the dropoff in support.

lmao classic legion tf you smoking man, classic means precataclysm, vanilla-tbc-wotlk were the times wow became a cultural phenomenone and cata was the moment it ended just like that. No one talked, no one played, no one cared about wow anymore after cata.

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Honestly what you think is irrelevant.

Firstly as said multiple times, numbers do not support it. People do play Cata and number is not small at all (even tho it is going down due to long tier and Blizzard nearly ignoring it).

Second, I am asking them to communicate. Obviously fixes and dev effort is ultimately what everyone playing wants but I am asking here for bare minimum. Communicate your plans.


Atonement bug still not fixed, btw. Looking forward to Ragnaros.

Still there are generations of WoW players who started in Cata, MoP or even Legion. Yes they would be smaller, but still exist.

I support this post.

Its to continue milking the dwindling playerbase with regular 20$ wow tokens used to participate in GDKP raiding which is the new meta.

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I haven’t paid for my sub in years, Just using tokens.

Which would sucks but at least they should admit they will not put any efforts into it (and let people know).

Which was paid for by another person anyway.

As for me - I’m waiting for MoP classic and SoD TBC.

Forcing Classic players to play literally the most polarising, controversial expansion in WoW history - the one that sent their previously huge sub numbers spiralling down into low figures, and ultimately created the massive demand for classic servers - giving them no option to play the previous classic expansions, and then providing only the bare bones basics is causing the game to tank?

Well who could have ever predicted that?