Community Members Cap

Only issue with that is that it will reset my chat settings every time(I think). Such an annoyance xD

Not sure it works even. Does anyone know if there is a limit to have many times you can join a community? Just thinking, I don’t wanna trigger some sort of invite silence from the game itself.

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Not that i’m aware off, but havent tested it. I keep forgetting to leave, but since i’m moderator i can just purge my own alts when i’m on with sin :sweat_smile:

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I don’t like seeing a lot of inactives in a guild/community, I have regular purges to keep the numbers down to at least semi actives. Right now, I put a * in their public note if they were active at least at any point, even just saying something in chat. If they add a * themselves, that’s at least activity. The ones that join and do nothing at all, like literally join for no reason, they need to be removed. Then it’s a case of sorting by public note, and remove the empty ones. That makes it feel like work, not sure of better way to manage it. Doesn’t help that, I need to disable all addons any time I want to edit public note or remove members. The more members, the more work. 1000 is a lot.

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Why not, suppose a community reached 10-20k members, I think that’s probably a lot better and cooler, like were some sort of small nation :smiley:

I don’t really see any harm in having bigger numbers in communities, especially when it’s a social community, one of the cons of phasing and connected servers is that there is no sense of social interaction anymore, having a big huge community where names don’t charge, people are known is a good thing.

The community also instills sense of comradeship.

I have to be honest, I usually am very critical of people in PuGs, if I join a +15 I expect people to perform up to +15 standards or I’d consider them boosted and not worth my time, however in the community I find myself encouraged to talk, discuss, teach and learn stuff with other members.

This sense of comradeship is a really cool thing, and the more people that share that bond the better, even my mood in community runs is better tbh, I didn’t expect to wipe and actually have fun doing it in an m+ / raid environment.

This is why I want more people to join the community, and I want it to be a very big one, maybe I’m too ambitious :stuck_out_tongue:

also an issue I’d like to clarify

Among the influx of players will be a lot of returning players, it wouldn’t be cool if the returning players found themselves booted, and when asking to rejoin we replied : sorry but we are full atm.

Glad to see the zen horde being a success, i know there were ppl looking for a horde version of scared of dungeons before it was made. I’m in there lurking when i’m online with my hordie, seems like a friendly bunch of people :hugs: i would like for the cap to be increased or removed. We havent put sod into the new community finder since we’re closing in on cap very often and in need of purging constantly.

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Thanks Sinaaki, I really do appreciate your help on the forum, especially when redirecting lost / confused / frustrated players to us.

Many of said players joined and are having a blast here :stuck_out_tongue: , but I gotta say I do feel abit sad when someone asks for help and no one replies, hence why I’m trying to get more and more members!

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Yes, it happens at times in sod aswell, depending a bit on the time of the day and who’s online. I’m glad to help out, but sometimes i just dont have the time for it, and some are quiet members that i guess just like to see the lively chat going on. If ppl are having trouble getting a group together at the time i usually suggest making an event for it in the calendar and announce it in our discord.

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The text often is lost in the amount of text in the chat… It needs to be highlighted in a way, the only way I manage to notice community messages is because I regularly open the tab to see if I missed something :confused:

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My sod chat is bright pink to make sure i dont miss out :laughing: but yeah, its hard to keep track of everything, especially if u are in several active communities and guild. If i dont get any takers on my first request for ppl i always ask again after some minutes :slight_smile:

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Festive places needs to be dressed in nice colours


Lurker! Show yourself!

I’m loving the surge in activity on zen horde as having been someone who has wanted to get into my horde properly but couldn’t find a community that works (in SoD I’m known as Jinjo).



I have put sinaaki in my note there :stuck_out_tongue: I only use her to farm voldunai rep, so i dont play her that much. If she was geared i’d help out with low keys every now and then :slight_smile:

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I’m maining horde in the foreseeable future now I have a community that works, so you can donate my spots in SoD to others actually as I know you guys are always near capacity!
If you do ever want to dip toes in gearing seriously just wave me in comm chat, always game to help those on the mythic ladder and get my tank on.


Think there are alot of others that dont play at all that can go before we have to remove jinjo :slight_smile: if u are purged however, make sure ro rejoin in the future if u come back to an alliance char :ok_hand:

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In shadow lands I will. I always progress content on both at faction starts and middle. Just towards the end I tend to move between one or the other.

I’ll probably stick my head in when I get a mechagnome to 120 though! We’ll see. I won’t be gone forever, found my feet comm wise on both factions so I know where to go whichever side I’m playing, and know there are good guys to play with in each case.


Oh, I know you Jinjo!

I might join Zen Horde as well on my hordie(s), but that with crowd your ranks too Hinata :joy:


Sorry this is slightly off-topic but I’ve sent an in-game request to join Zen Horde (Tanikah is my Druid’s name). The thing is I sent it before I realised I may not be online much over the next couple of weeks due to exam revision. I’ll understand if you don’t accept it just now, I can always try again once exams are over if that’s ok. :slight_smile:

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Yeah guilds have the same restrictions so it’s not surprising. I have my own bank guild so I can stick all 29 characters in there on Dreanor and 20 on Silvermoon.

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This name seems familiar :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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