Community PVP

After trying to get a PvP Guild sorted, I realised this is simply not going to be possible the way I wanted it due to the lack of PvPers left in the game and the few of us spread over different servers, but I’m not one to give up on finding a community of PvPers to play with, and then I had a lightbulb moment.

With the way cross realm groups work now, I don’t need to make a Guild all on the same server, or even on the same faction to find PvPers to play with and speak to, I can just make a discord “community” that will welcome anyone who wants to simply make friends with people, talk to them regularly and play the game. We will still be able to make groups for RBGs, arenas and events.

With that in mind, anyone who thinks this is a good idea, and wants to actually be part of a PvP community, please feel free to join the server!

Thank you!

Hi there, I joined maybe get a game soon!