[COMMUNITY] The Wardens

Some of you perhaps took notice of an event cinematic we created in order to showcase the occurence of the black moon during our event.
And those of you who haven’t, here it is!

A recent event calling for assistance in Dalaran from the Wardens. This event is part 1 of a 2 part just before the launch of The War Within.

Tekkyi’s assets from part 1 of the event!

Latest promotion hosted by Elune’s Justice from the Warden community!
Pre-made visual assets, musical ambience and screenshots of the event itself. A lovely ceremony, thank you all who joined us

Wardens moot!

Hello fellow Wardens!

Saturday, the 2nd of November we’ll hold a Wardens moot! To those of you unfamiliar, such is a gathering for the Wardens and those affiliated to the order to discuss recent happenings, ponder on some questions, present opinion and hopefully to arrive to a conclusion!
But no less to meet fellow colleagues from across the world. Share a moment together, talk to other sub groups and find new friends or perhaps even guilds to be part of!

We will be holding the Wardens moot at Arlithrien Lodge, 2nd November, 20:00 ST
As moots have over time grown and developed a formal structure, such will now be presented, aswell as agenda for this time.

The topics :owl:

planned for the night will fall in 2 categories

  • I. Urgent / Actual topics which we should get to first
  • II. Important but not really urgent topics we would like to get through, if time allows.

Because of this

The Speakers :speaking_head:

A topic will be presented by the moderator of the moot. From there on it’ll take on a free-speech/emote format. The moots have previously have had a moderated clear discussing structure which seemed to work, but also hinder some from engaging at the right time due queues. Therefore, it’ll now be run as a test for free emoting style.

Only thing requested is that during the discussion everyone remains civil! Remember, its all IC!

Agenda :pencil:


  • Creatures kept in the Violet Hold: With recent events leading to the fall of Dalaran, it stands to reason the dangerous fiends (demons, aberrations and worse!) imprisoned in the magical pens have either died in the crash or now run free across the continent of Khaz Algar, having breached containment. Us wardens are no strangers to such unfortunate breakouts, and much like we cleaned the Broken Isles (twice) we can lend our criminal-catching expertise to the Earthen as well.
  • Potential weaknesses in the Kaldorei lands and people to that of the void.


  • Reports and topics from the participants

If anyone would like their topic to be listed onto the agenda, please do send a DM and the list shall be updated! And of course, for clarification, be it a trainee or a Warden ALL ranks of the order are welcome!


Reminder for all the Wardens, Watchers and affiliated out there about the moot that is taking place on the 2nd of November!

Whilst awaiting, have a look at Elune’s Justice hunt that occured rather recently:

Further screenshots and information can be found in the Wardens discord community!


The moot that happened last week was rather fun and exciting! Here are some screenshots from the event itself.

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Elune’s Justice from Wardens community has held an event for Halloween!
There are plentiful of updates as many events have happened and they’ll be arriving slowly here too, stay tuned for more and if you’d like to partake in some of those - feel welcome to join the Warden community!


Recently, Elune’s Justice from the Wardens community held a Wardens tools training for the trainees! Below will be the screenshots for event from part 1 and 2, later on shall arrive the assets from mission connected to this, aka as part 3

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Here are some screenshots from the Owl training hosted in the community!

Elune’s justice from the Wardens community are preparing for a journey!
Have a look at the cinematic produced to promote it!


Couple few screenshots from an improvised training evening in Duskwood crypts!

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Elune’s Justice from the community are readying themselves for a spin of a story!
And, the community members very much welcome to in the very least join the kickoff of this plot with us, perhaps even more!

Here’s a video we made, to recap some past events that give to origin to this narrative. Hope you’ll enjoy watching and who knows, join us in the Wardening business!

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