[Community/Goblin RP] Welcome to Undermine

Yo, Azeroth, business is calling!
Patch 11.1 is here and marks the biggest step for Goblins since the Cataclysm happened over 14 years ago. The Goblin capital is as old as Warcraft itself, and it’s never been a better time to jump into Goblin roleplay.
The Undermine community has been growing steadily in the background since the reveal last November, and now the patch has launched we can chit-chat about it publicly without spoilers!

Just like the subterranean city itself, the Undermine community connects Goblin characters throughout Azeroth with their mutual love for innovation, adventure and explosives. Characters new and old are invited to join and make their mark in the community, with channels dedicated to sharing stories, RP events, and chat all things Goblin.

The Roleplay

Casual RP is the heart of any city and new lore offers every Goblin the opportunity of some dramatic moments, difficult decisions, or just a relaxing drink at the Incontinental Hotel. As the nexus of the Goblins’ trade empire, Guilds and merchants are encouraged network, find customers (or rivals) to collaborate and compete with.

The Liberation of Undermine is the first of many public storylines on offer, linking directly to the narrative of Patch 11.1 as a way for your character to say they’ve played their part in the revolution in a lore-friendly way. The campaign revolves around discovering the extent of the Darkfuse Company’s influence, and teaming up with unlikely allies to fight your way up the payroll. For loot and liberation!

Azeroth Beyond is only a rocket drill, submarine or teleporter away, making Undermine more accessible than ever before. While much of the roleplay on offer takes full advantage of the fantastic new zone and its dozen empty houses, events and plotlines will regularly involve adventures topside.

An Evergreen Undermine is the long-term plan. This isn’t some Kaja-cola inspired, spur-of-the-moment idea after all! The great advantage of Goblin RP is that, no matter Azeroth’s situation, if there’s a profit to be made; there’s a Goblin to make it. Undermine be a cornerstone of Goblin RP for years to come, ensuring that Azeroth continues to see the influence of its favourite blast-resistant maniacs even as Midnight overruns the planet with Elves.

When you join Undermine, there are four* cosmetic ranks to claim as you see fit; Bilgewater, Steamwheedle, Blackwater or Venture Co. Each have a dedicated corner of the community to serve their business interests and vie for power in the eternal Trade War. Does your Goblin pledge fealty to one cartel, or sell their loyalty to the highest bidder?
*Further Cartel affiliations may become available as in-game lore develops. Yes, we’re looking at you Darkfuse Solutions.

Out of Character
The community thrives on collaboration, where every character has a voice. We value the lore given to Azeroth’s brightest engineers and strive to maintain the same rules and friendly atmosphere we’ve all come to expect from in-game communities, free of politics or drama. When joining Undermine, you will find yourself among friends in the Goblin RP community.


My character works for a cartel but isn’t a Goblin, can I still join Undermine?
Yes! Especially with the likes of the Venture Co. and Blackwater, non-Goblin employees have strong representation in the cartels’ lore and are more than welcome to join.

Can I join if my character is a visitor to Undermine, or just so I can stay in the loop OOC?
Also yes! The community and its events/storylines may revolve around all things Goblin, but Undermine’s tourism is alive and well. Grab yourself the Visitor role and enjoy regular updates from the city below the surface!

Where ever your adventures take you, there is now a little bit of home – a little bit of Undermine – there for your character to return to.


Very excited to see gobbos get some love from Blizzard.

I wholeheartedly support this initiative and will be looking to join this community once I start actively roleplaying again.

See ya, tuts.


All Roads Lead to Slam Central Station

Ready yourselves for one of the first community event rolling into town next Wednesday 5th March 20:00
As a prologue to an action packed rebellion event for your Goblin to get involved with in the week following (12th March), we invite you to bring your Goblin into the city in style; through the Undermine customs!

Whichever corner of Azeroth your character has come from, we invite your character to join the orderly queue and be greeted by your friendly* customs team (played by NPC volunteers) who are ready to scrutinize their paperwork, check for smuggled contraband, and welcome them to Undermine.
Not sure what to do with your Goblin after that? A bunch of community members, who’s Goblin characters are already long-term residents of Undermine in-character, will be there to greet new arrivals and bring your character along for a relaxing evening of casual RP.

This event is entirely optional and there are a dozen other ways characters can come and go through Undermine, but this could be a fantastic way to introduce your new character, or if you’re unsure of how to bring your Goblin into Undermine IC.
We’ll see you in the queue, bub!

5th March: Arrivals into Undermine
12th March: Rebellion event (but no big spoilers yet!)

All art credit to Lampwik


this sounds plunderfull!
Kinda hoped us Vulpera folk would get something like this.
But i wholeheartedly support this idea!
Hope ye folks don’t mind some Pirates trading ya goods.
We can do shipping services by sea, land and air as well.
Seeya hearties down below


Ah man, this is something so great to see. I’ve been waiting for a proper goblin revival a while now!

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I fully support this project, even though I’ll have little time to dedicate to it before the end of March since I’m heading abroad for a few months.
The only limitation for Goblins, and the cartel / commercial RP, was a city or a region that is entirely Goblin and totally neutral, and easily accessible. Undermine ? We couldn’t have dreamed of better. An entire region in the Goblin theme, a wacky, lively city full of hidden corners. With buildings available everywhere. The bonus ? Totally neutral. Neutral towards the factions, neutral also towards all living creatures of Azeroth and beyond, as long as they come for profit and fun. The paradise.
As for me, I hope to enjoy conflicts between cartels. Imagine the concept of RP-PVP events we have from time to time, but this time it’s not about the Horde and the Alliance, it’s about a turf war for a new advertising billboard between two or three cartels. Chaos and fun in its purest form.


Down down down in goblin town!


somehow that line reminds me of that one miracle of sound song about Bioshick Infinte


Aaaah, the sweet scent of business in the air—nothing like the thrill of a fresh scam to get the ol’ gears turning. As the proud owner of Boom ‘N’ Gun, I can’t wait to see how this “arrivals” event shakes up Undermine. A city full of opportunity, scams, and shiny things—my kind of place! Whether it’s selling the dream of explosive profits or just making sure no one gets caught in a ‘friendly’ game of ‘Guess Which Box is Full of Explosives,’ I’m all in. Can’t wait to see who else is coming through the gates… and which ‘clients’ might be needing a little extra service from Boom ‘N’ Gun! :smirk:

Looking forward to some good ol’ fashioned chaos. Catch you in the queue, folks!


Crap, here I was enjoying my time off the pirate life, and the Blackwaters go and become a fully fledged cartel. Maybe some of that Undermine profit can go to the rebuilding efforts in Booty bay, ya still see schmucks fall through the rafters all the time.


the rafters be there to test those folk who come by Booty Bay if they got the thing to be a pirate

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