"comp stomp" new pvp brawl

I really don’t think that experienced PvP players are the target audience for this.
And I don’t think they plan to put these bots in every PvP instance.
Altho as someone mentioned above it would be kind of neat if someone leaves a BG they would be replaced by a bot until a new player enters.

But yeah I think this is an attempt to get more players to try pvp, yes I know this is not real pvp but you know what I mean. Gives people who are curious a stepping stone so to speak, an opportunity to go in and check out a battleground without pressure and just see if pvp could be fun for them.

And to the people bashing the cräp out of this feature, you don’t like it? Don’t play it. It’s that simple. No need to get butthurt because they put something under the pvp tab that you don’t find challenging.

Personally I quite enjoy looking at these bots, their behaviour is pretty amusing at times. Plus some of their names ar hilarious. =)

The Capper (or Capping) add-on works for me (latest version) - it shows timers like when is the base going to become fully capped etc.

And the add-on to to mark healers( the hhtd or whatever it is called) - that works for me too. I don’t use many other BG add-ons

On top of that I think the AI is cheating a bit.

I saw the AI bots at Lumber Mill, being blown away by one of those Druid/Shammy knockback things… They all went off the cliff… only to walk back the vertical wall, back tot he flag to continue fighting like nothing happened :wink:

I’ve seen this yesterday multiple times (played quite a few games over the weekend - trying to finish the Veteran achiev).

Lol. I was in all day yesterday; I might’ve been one of those knockbackers as that was my first port of call. And yes, it failed pretty much every time.

However I’m not sure if it’s because of the bots or because they have re-skinned AB and put a gentle curve at the clifftop. I’ll need to get some normal games in to tell for certain.

Today my hunter silenced (3 sec duration) the priest bot while it was casting greater heal. No problem. The priest bot recasted the spell like my silence was just an ordinary interrupt. The priest bot was also silenced by another mage a few secs before that - or at least the mage thought he had silenced it. We discussed it after we won that little in-game fight.

So the bots aren’t fighting by the rules. No wonder why they’re harder now.

done this throughout the week as 360 shadow priest and afli lock, and 370 arms warrior.


  • loads of free conquest.
  • loads of free azerite.
  • loads of free honor.
  • loads of free rep.
  • loads of free gear.
  • loads of help towards achievements if you need them.
  • also, it is bg bonus week. so extra on top of all that.
  • bots are stupid as hell.


  • bots are hitting WAY too hard. im getting melted at 370 plate dps by 1-2 bots. even hunter pets can now do serious damage to me.
  • bots are immune to too much cc. MC, a classic of AB since forever, is immuned, and silences dont seem to work, they only interrupt.

just about every fight i did, (probably well over 20, and im being on the low side) ended up with the bulk of the fight at stables (horde) or farm (alliance) and winning with 4 bases.

total take away: this was a good addition. BUT NOT FOR THE REASONS YOU THOUGHT BLIZZ! (look at pros and all that free stuff).

I want to thank blizzard for implementing this. Will this be permanent? Would like that. Its the only BG allies can win. Thanks to this I got my weekly 4 BG wins.

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I tried it out the first day, haven’t done it since then. I don’t care if it’s guaranteed conquest every time. It’s boring and I do enough pve as it is. Figuring out npc’s isn’t really difficult.

Strip all the pvp achievements, rep and rewards from it and put it in during one of the pve weeks. Let it give the same rewards as the warfronts.
Now pve’rs can spam it all they want.

I don’t mind that the new brawl exists, and I did not mind playing it 2-3 times, although as many said, it should not count towards pvp achievements.

But overall, I play PVP to play against real people, and like looking out for familiar faces or guilds etc. Playing against AI may be an interesting experiment once, but it takes the thrill/passion out of PVP, and I dislike that.

Oh you’re definitely right about that, it should absolutely not count as PvP as far as conquest, honor and all that goes.

And given how short those games are it shouldn’t even be in line with warfronts regarding loot. More along the lines of island expeditions maybe?

Unsoloable NPCs that can see through stealth? Yeah this brawl is so much fun.

Arenas vs AI . Also all bg maps vs AI and rename to world of AIcraft

I can understand the reskinning, and a gentle curve resulting with some of them being able to climb back if they didn’t really fall of the cliff, but yesterday, while being in BS, I noticed some of them being blown off the cliff, falling almost half way down, and then climbing right back up to LM, scaling the wall, like those two famous guys who climbed the “Dawn Wall” of El Capitan in Yosemite Park… just faster ;>

Yea played a few more last night and you’re right - that’s a lot more than just a reskin at play. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can be fun its own right, but…

… do they not understand that player versus PLAYER is what this should be?

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