Comp Stomp This Week!

Thanks to Brist posting in Something WoW Related that Made you Smile Today we were reminded that Comp Stomp is up. So in case anyone else missed this news I thought I’d start a topic.

Go get your free marks of honor!

You can pick up the quest on your Adventure Guide


But just a word of warning - the opposition seems to have learnt how to fight a lot better than before.


Probably depends on your own team mates. We just stomped them in the match I did. I even got a soul for it which was an unexpected bonus.

I have no idea if the bots have been sent to boot camp for some training though.

Snail racing is boring I see. :sweat_smile:

Ok on my alt, I see what you mean!

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I have died several times this morning. In Comp Stomp.
All I want to do is get to level 70 honour to get my next mount.

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Managed to get another set of weapon looks

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