Companion pets: Whelplings farming

Hello all, I’ve been farming the Dark whelping and the crimson whelpling by killing Ebon Whelps in the Wetlands. I’ve killed many so far and I haven’t got a single drop yet.

I remember farming these whelplings back in the day with multiple characters and I should have 3 or 4 dark whelplings by now from my experience.

Does anyone know if these still drop in this new version of Classic Cataclysm? Has any of you been able to loot one of these whelplings in the Wetlands?

Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Got my Dark Whelpling after 274 kills.
No Crimson Whelpling as of yet, 8732 kills so far.

Thanks for the reply. Since I posted I managed to have a Dark Whelpling drop too. No Crimson yet though. I remember an easier grind for these, but maybe I’m wrong. Good to have confirmation they still drop.

Random loot is random. I once spent a solid week farming for the Crimson back in vanilla. I’d get up at around 5:00 am and farm until around 8:30, then log in again after work and spend another four hours at it, and then spent around 12 hours on Saturday.

I kept at it for seven days, almost non-stop and never even once did it drop.