Comparing my spellbar to that of my Demon Hunter

Emote macro’s, revive battle pet and toys does not count.:wink:

I see makes sense then

check my screen if you do not see i got 3 full bars filled with abilites/pvp talents consumables perhaps if you did something beyond plucking herbs you woudl use them.

https ://

My memes are hoter than yours though :flushed:

To Rompuche (OP):

Humbled by your attention to my class :smirk:

the irony when DH is so much more fun to play then shaman with so much less buttons to press :slight_smile:

Just like any other melee class, jump in stick to the target and blow all your cooldowns and hope they die

No one said they are complex either but that is today’s WoW

Dh’s are not defending their class, they are just pointing out that there are not much difference in skills between other classes

Because fel erruption stuns last longer maybe ? 0 reasons to use nova above erruption when stunning a single target.

I hope you don’t play frost, you must feel big brain when you do.

I am frost death knight, even your breath is hotter than me, my dear.

I do not know frost is almost as bad as DH, but Breath-build is a bit more advanced. But just a bit.

But least I am not offended, when I play simple things. I like playing things that do not require NASA ID to function. :hugs:

We all can be friends here.

it’s fel mint actually :sunglasses:
quite refreshing and deadly

You know, this is a bit off topic, but when I see mistweavers casting, i have always thought that their mists tastes and has scent of mint, and I cannot get rid of the thought. So monks have drinking spec, airhead spec and mint spec.

Hum, and intopic maybe we should take all 36 specs and start counting ‘active’ spells of theirs to be fair!

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If you are specced into Demonic Appetite, you’d spec into the nova talent that removes fury cost and lowers the cooldown. You don’t have the single target stun at this point.

Besides of that, there are a lot of scenarios where you’d use this stun, even on single targets. It’s still a good chance for 0.7s reduction on eye-beam and you can interrupt cast bars the can’t be interrupted without CC.

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i do have the same assumption.
reminds me of some hookah action.
monks generally know how to get the party started, can’t deny that. :sunglasses:

He was specifically talking about ccing a mob, if you want to cc a mob for as long as possible fel erruption is better than nova. Beside blind fury is more common than demonic appetite but I could be wrong, again I play vengeance not havoc.

Diminishing returns make this a near pointless argument tbh. On top of that, people don’t swap to single target stun for just 1 mob most of the time.

Only because this is what icy veins recommends as generic build. Demonic Appetite is far stronger with the right traits in PvE (regardless of single target vs cleave). My current DA build does probably about 4~5k more DPS than Blind Fury.

Diminushing returns make it so you would want to use the longer stun, and not just pop nova which would almost cc for 0 time and reduce the time of the others cc. I rarely go dps as a dh but I Always pick erruption, is the fury cost reduction that impactful considering how easy fury is to generate ?

With Demonic Appetite I generate 6~7x as much fury, which means a very high spammability of Chaos Strike, especially during the 3x Furious Gaze stack. When you have a bigger pack, Nova will generate a large amount of souls, and thus provide a big regeneration and cooldown reduction on Eye Beam. Due to it costing no Fury, you can always use it. This means you don’t have to rely on semi-random amount of fury generation and it’s always ready. The cooldown reduction means you can use it more often in M+. The amount of stun time, stuns and stun interrupts summed up, is far higher than the single target stun. Though I would recommend to take it if you don’t go DA, as Nova doesn’t bring much value without.

I see your point and it make sense in your build but my original comment was adressed to someone purely talking about ccing a single mob without much more context and since I doubt the op as the traits (or the class knowledge) to make your build work I am pretty sure he should have talented erruption. Interesting build you have though, what are the traits you use ? I just go with the icy vein build when I go dps.

Currently using the following pieces and configured as such:


This sums up:

  • 3x Furious Gaze for massive haste after each Eye Beam
  • Chaotic Transformation, which changes how you use meta, you pre-cast immolation aura, and ensure you have enough fury by using a demon’s bite. Then you Eye Beam, Blade Dance, Meta, Blade Dance, Eye Beam. Enjoy your nearly 2x as long haste buff! Then you spam chaos strike for more fury + CD reduction on Eye Beam etc.
  • Undulating Tides is what sims higher than Seething power for me, even with only 50% uptime or so. It’s a 435 part, yet seems to be BiS atm for me :thinking:
  • Eyes of Rage, enables the 0.7 cd reduction on souls you gather. Also does a bit more eye beam damage, but that’s not why you take it.

Talent wise:

  • Demonic Appetite over felblade and blind fury, as the recovery is far higher. Felblade is nice, but not in this build. Less Eye Beam time is less damage, but also more versatile for a quick burst. Possible DPS loss is countered by Eyes of Rage.
  • Immolation Aura, because it’s a nice pre-castable, on-demand regeneration, and the damage output isn’t too bad in AoE scenarios. Demon Blades is a no-go on this build as you need Demon’s Bite for on-demand regeneration.
  • Fel Barrage sims lower than Trail of Ruin for me, even on the dungeon sim, so Trail of Ruin is the to-go here.
  • I really like the leech here, though it’s somewhat obsolete due to Demonic Appetite, so it enables things like Netherwalk to be an easier pick without giving up too much health regen.
  • Unleashed Power because of the massive soul generation in M+, and generally speaking better utility in (bigger) AoE pulls. I’d take fel eruption in case of Demon Blade’s build for example.

Additional bonus in this build, if you first cast Eye Beam, the 3x stacking furious gaze will make your Iris essence cast extremely fast, so this is a perfect burst combination. What I usually do is Eye Beam -> Blade Dance -> AoE Stun -> Iris.

Here’s the dungeon slice sim with 60% UT:

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