Comparing my spellbar to that of my Demon Hunter

And that’s with PvP talents included.

…Damn. :octopus:



Your assistance is appreciated.

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Looks messy.

Why are there triplets for frog and interrupt? Focus/Mouseover macros?

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then add a few more come shadowlands… :stuck_out_tongue:
i sincerely hope demon hunters are going to get a few more skills with the next expansion. i like the class a lot, but the game play is a bit dull.

It’s not to me, that’s just how things have ended up developing over the years. It’s all crystal clear to me!
And yes, these are those. :woozy_face:

Yes, this class lacks a whole lot of complexity right now. It feels like an unfinished product, sadly.

It is true that on my DH i don’t have so much spells on bars, but it’s good for me, i hate mess, i don’t have to use WeakAuras so i have even more free space on screen :smiley: what not to love :smiley:

You could hide spellbars altogether if you’ve craving for screen space that much.

I’m playing him for about a week, when i will practice more i will consider this :smiley:

I’m confident you will have achieved complete mastery over your character’s vast toolkit by then.

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You say that because it only has 2 specs ?

My action bar on DH is full

No, because it only has 2 buttons.

Did you put all your toys in your action bars or?

My DH, even though I even have disabled PvP abilities in there, has far from full bars.

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I have the bottom bar and top bottom bars full, you are missing some abilities here bud.

why don’t you go and discuss it on the DH forum? Or is it easier to come here to seek the support of all those who have been punished by the DHs?

:salt::popcorn: :wink:

Because that’s exactly what it is. Demon Hunters were a big deal when Legion launched. After that, not so much. If you want any advice on what happens next, just ask any random Death Knight. :slight_smile:

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Care to provide screenshots?

Also your comparing a healer with a pure dps. Healers were given dps abilities because people couldnt level or didnt want to play dps etc.

Not to mention DH dont have any direct self heals.

soon u pay to get DH and DK class to classic in blizzard store classic lolz xD