Compiled List of Suggestions About WoW

Hello, so I wasn’t posting in the Forums for a while. And I wanted to share some suggestions that I already submitted in the game. I wanted to know about opinions of the community. I posted the 1-2 of the Suggestions here in Forums before, but I decided to compile them all in one thread.

First and foremost, and the most recent:

1. Revert the Cross-Realm Auction House System

Now, I know some could argue and defend that this change is fine. Personally, I think this change was really unnecessary and pointless. Auction Houses have been merged, so that they are now shared across all realms for each Game Region and that was not a good decision, to be honest. Because before that change, each realm had its own economy which was better.

Now, prices have been affected across all realms for each Region, for example; Consumables prices were fairly good for earning gold just the before this system was added, even this late into the expansion. Of course, it its nearing end of an expansion, and prices are always vary and can change again, but I’m talking about current state of prices on the Auction House. And I gave high pop realms as an example, since profiting on high pop realms are hard as it is, because of competition between players.

So I would like Cross-Realm Auction House Change to be reverted. I mean no offense, but what is the good side of this change? What did it achieve?

As far as I can tell, it just helped with stock quantity of consumables for low pop realms, if that was the concern and that players on low pop realms complained about that, then they could be given free realm transfers/migrations from low pop realms to mid-high pop realms. Unless these players would be sensitive about staying in their original realms. And if this change was intended as a new “content”, like Patch 6.1 (which had like 0 content, literally), then I must say that Cross Realm Auction House Change doesn’t count as a content. Let me know in the comments, what do you think about this change? Are you happy with it or not? And why?

2. Visible Hair with Hoods

It would be nice if you allowed hair to be shown with hoods for players, similar to Sylvanas Windrunner and Valeera Sanguinar. You could add some new and compatible hood models that would show hair. I know there is a similar system in the game that alters how an item appearance looks, depending if it is used in combination with another item (some helmets hide beard for Humans, and forearm parts of some robes hide 3D part of some gloves, or some leg slot items alter appearance of the boots, etc.)

So with the new compatible hood models that would show hair, it wouldn’t clip through the hoods. And it wouldn’t be necessary to remodel every single hood item in the game for every single race/gender combo. Since there are detailed models in the game that were added recently, which pushes the game engine for amount of detail they have. So I think that should be possible.

3. New Customization Options for Void Elves

It would be nice if you added new customization options for Void Elves. Like new hair styles (or add the hair styles from Blood Elves because they are similar as it is, except for heritage armor and visual proc for Void Elves.) New customization options would include new glowing Void tattoo options. It would fit nicelt with skimpy style of Void Elf heritage armor, as in character’s body are exposed when using Void Elf heritage armor. And jewelry options similar to Blood Elves, but recolored to fit Void Elves, like silver jewelry with Purple/Black Gems, etc.
Also, it would be nice if you add collar-less version of Ren’dorei Mantle (chest piece of Void Elf heritage armor set)

4. Remove Guild Sign Requirement

It would be nice if you remove 4 players sign requirement when forming a Guild. I mean back in Classic, when the game was first released, 4 players sign requirement could make sense to incentivize social interaction between players. Nowadays, some players use Guilds for extra bank storage, or like myself who uses Guild name like a custom, secondary “title” for RP, since I join community groups for M+ and Raids etc. So I would appreciate if you remove 4 players sign requirement.

5. Tunic Version of Court Inquisitor’s Vestments

This would be a simple addition, just to add the tunic version chest piece for Court Inquisitor’s Vestments. I mean there are 2 versions of chest piece for Kyrian (Aspiring Aspirant’s Regalia.) And there are 2 version for Blood Elf heritage armor (tunic and robe.) I think that would not take too much time, just to remove the skirt part from chest piece of Court Inquisitor’s Vestments set.

6. Custom “Title”, Double Title and Surnames Option

It would be nice if you add an option for custom “Title(s)”, excluding the Titles that are and must be obtainable in the game, and filters could work against the accented letters (any possible accented combination) to prevent choosing titles that are and must be obtained in-game, of course.

Surnames, and option to display Double Title of the player’s preference, Double Titles would be limited to 2 or 3 Titles, so they do not cover too much screen space. Double Title option could work with Surnames, Custom “Titles” and Titles that are already in the game. Custom “Titles” could be used if they are already used by another player, similar to Titles that are already in the game, since player name would be different. However, people could come up with better Title ideas that are more fitting for themselves. I think this feature would allow some really nice Title combinations, that would be awesome.


Double Title (In-Game): Battlemaster Alesta the Fearless

And more combinations like that would be even better, in my opinion.

7. Custom Avatar/Photo Option for Battle Net App

It would be nice if you add an option for Custom Avatars in Battle Net App. I would prefer to use a screenshot of my character as an avatar/photo in Battle Net App, rather than selecting from preset of characters across Blizzard games.

8. Alternate Voice-Over Options for Players

With upcoming customization options; I think it would be cool to have alternative voice over options for each race for player characters.
I think this would bring more variety, instead of single, fixed voice over for each race.
For example: Female Void Elves have a deep tone by default, but I would like a younger, cute voice option.

9. Class Order Hall Titles from Legion

Are these titles going to return? I was pretty hyped up when I first saw Rogue Order Hall Title in Legion Beta gameplay video which was Master Assassin,
and I was really disappointed when it was changed to Shadowblade on release.
I’d like these Beta Order Hall Titles to return as additional titles.

10. Remove Cooldowns of Cosmetic Items (Toys)

Do you consider removing Cooldowns on toys? I think it doesn’t make sense and it’s just annoying.
Can you please remove them and just let us toys as much as we want without Cooldowns.

11. In-Game Realm Transfer and Forum Character Profile

I think when a specific character is transferred from one realm to another, it should be reflected as such in Forums. Back when I had transferred to Ravencrest, it was rather disappointing when had I noticed that Forum Character Profile did not transfer. I know I can just post in my character on my old realm, which I already made a character after, back when I had transferred. However, I would like to keep my Forum Character Profile in my new realm.

-End Statement

I took my time to write down and share these Suggestions with everyone, and I would appreciate you to be civil, when you reply to any of my suggestions above whether you agree or disagree with them. Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

  1. No, it’s good for the majority of my characters.

  2. Yes, I have no issue here, I may not use it but I can see how others may love it.

  3. Yes, see above.

  4. This is mainly to stop bots, gold selling and other nefarious activities apparently. So hard no.

  5. Can’t hurt

  6. Not keen, people’s names are already hard enough to see without a load of blurb over the screen. You only need one title in the whole game and that is “the fabulous.”

  7. Development time can be spent on better things.

  8. Kinda like this but who uses voice emotes these days, developing into the wind with this one.

  9. Don’t mind this.

  10. My guild would decsend into rainbow generator madness every single raid. It already does but at least it’s time gated.

  11. Makes sense.

Interesting points, mostly personal to RP though.

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