[Complaint] So, asking Support a question is now frowned upon?

I opened a Ticket this morning ( EU98692452 ) because Gallagio Rep was not being credited, and simply asked if this behavior was intentional or not. And I received a swift response that answered my question in the first few sentences. 2 points on that.

I was told the issue is known and being looked into. So far so good, ticket effectively resolved.

However, I take significant issue with the unnecessarily condescending “This is not the channel for bug reports, you should know this” segment that followed.

Yet, and if you believe that you encountered a bug, and since the support staff is not intended to collect bug reports, we are not equipped to deal with that, what in other words means that intentionally we do not have a direct channel of communication with the developers or the flexibility to directly interact with them.

As such the best we can do is forward reports such as yours internally to the team that has the function to collect feedback or information regarding similar situations, what we in fact have done- despite the fact that submission from support are most likely non priority, since again, that is not why the support staff is used.

While information and feedback like the one you provide will reach the developers, contacting the support staff to provide such ends up being the less efficient method to do so - and this should not be in any way a novelty as for years now that the community team (the blue posters on the forum) have publicly mentioned that the support staff function does not include reporting bug or collecting data about them.

So, I asked a question because I was not sure whether it was in fact a bug or intended behavior, and am effectively being berated for “using the wrong channel to submit a bug report”?

Seriously, whatever happened to “Hello. Unfortunately this is not intended behavior. We are aware of this issue and the developers are looking into it, but please submit a bug report in-game as well just to make sure yours also gets addressed”?

Would that have been so hard to type, instead of 3 paragraphs of verbage telling me how this is not the proper channel for bug reports, just because I dared to ask if this was intended or not before submitting one?

This behavior is, at best, unprofessional.

Unfortunately canceling a ticket does not trigger the survey (while the ticket was resolved, that response does not deserve to be flagged as such, ans I can only wait for the devs to solve it either way), so I have no way to present feedback on this interaction though the usual channels.

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I agree, that response you received was inappropriate. Perhaps they were just having a bad day, because despite the fact that the CS guys are very much more limited in what they can do now, they are at least, usually, polite.

I too have submitted tickets in the past to find out if something I’ve encountered is a known bug. I’ve usually googled it and checked these forums first with no joy, so my only other recourse has been to raise a ticket. I only ever do this if I’m not even sure if it is a bug - I’m not the best player in the world, I too sometimes have off days or blonde moments and there is every possibility that the issue I’ve encountered is of my own making and I’m just being dim.

From these, I have also received replies either saying “hmm, sounds like a bug but it doesn’t appear to be known” or “yes, we’re aware”. Usually very politely.

If Blizzard do not want us to contact support for anything other than billing enquiries, they should provide another way of accessing this information. Because their “known bugs” lists are VERY incomplete, when they’re even relevant.

As CS are very happy to copy/paste responses, they simply need two responses, as you’ve said, politely saying either “yes, we can see it has been reported, please keep an eye on the forums/Blizzard posts for any information relating to possible forthcoming fixes” or “this does not currently show on our system as a reported bug, our recommendation would be to report this using the in-game bug reporting tool.”


I am shocked, if that is truly what happened and what was said, and not being embellished by the OP (sorry but people do tend to embellish things), then that GM needs reporting to their team leader.


While this concern is understandable, here is the original question… :beers:

I killed 4 bosses (both currently open wings of LFR), and looted the Gallagio reputation papers from each, yet it appears that the reputation is not being credited, as it is still stuck @renown 2 2200/2500, which I’m almost 100% certain was already the cap last week, I definitely unlocked Renown 2 last week for sure…

Is this intentional, or can I expect to either see the renown credited retroactively? Or can I simply get it filled tonight when we run NHC?

From what I can see from Wowhead … last week the max it could get to was Renown 2 (0).

Each boss drops a certain amount … so the current LFR ones it looks like they drop 450 rep each. There are also special mobs in between the bosses which will drop 100 rep each.

So 4 bosses x 450 = 1800. Plus 4 special mobs at 100 each = 2200.

If you did more bosses … even if you cleared the full raid, the maximum you’d get to this week is Renown 3 (0).

I must admit I didn’t fully understand why I was stuck at 3 (0) until I read that post - I didn’t realise there was a weekly cap.

I’m not sure, however, why the CS rep couldn’t work that out for themselves.

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Yeah, I managed to find this yesterday evening as well after the raid where I did reach 3 (0) after simply killing the first Boss. I knew there was a cap before, but apparently I simply misremembered how much rep I had the previous week.

Which means that in addition to overstepping, he was also actually incorrect and it was 100% working as intended. Which makes it not even a bug, but simply a mistake on my end

Which is exactly why I asked the question in the first place, so as not to submit a frivolous bug report. And that just makes the whole thing even worse.

Because then the proper response would /should have actually been something along the lines of:

“Hello. I fear I must inform you that this is in fact working as intended and not a Bug. As you may know, Gallagio reputation has a weekly cap. So If you maxed it out last week at 2(0), then 2 (2200/2500) after both LFR wings is the correct amount that you should have, and killing one more boss this evening will bring you up to the current cap of Renown 3”.

Agreed. Support are not only completely restricted in what they’re able to do now, they also appear to be completely unable to provide adequate support for anything but the complete basics - anything related to playing the game itself, the information they give cannot be relied upon.

We found that during the issue with the Guild Vaults where a bug wiped out millions of gold worth of items. People were raising tickets and getting widely varying and often conflicting replies. The blues on the forums weren’t much better - either they were given inaccurate/misleading information which they then passed on, being none the wiser or they knew the information being passed on was inaccurate/misleading.

Any issues you have in-game that aren’t related to billing/accounts we are essentially better off trying to find out about by ourselves. Wowhead, Google, Reddit, these forums, etc.

If it’s obviously a bug, then by all means, put in a bug report. But don’t expect it to be fixed any time soon, or any workaround suggested.

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