Compromise alternative to HvH. Mirror racials and Mixed Faction vs Mixed Faction BGs

Just remove racials, WotF counters too many class abilities.

Problem is that people will still gravitate toward the same faction even if things are perfectly balanced, but removing the only upside of Alliance (instant queues) will make people go Horde and this is why it is important to stop the bleeding by offering/balancing the two factions.

Blizzard can’t keep Horde on standby mode forever, now that they gave em taste of HvH.
They should had added free Faction change first, look for results, then add Mirror racials and only then look for some Merc mode solution, maybe.
Now they shot themselves into the foot and Horde sences blood from that wound.

dwarf priest > UD priest

Depends on spec. Overall WotF > Stone Form (not talking priest only).

I’d love me a devouring plague as shadow, chastise is awful in comparison.

So yes, you can always find niche cases where an Alliance racial is better (perception in rmp mirrors etc).

The main issue is that if HvH becomes a permanent fixture in the game, the Alliance faction will be drained over time.

I think HvH should be put back in, but some form of balancing needs to take place to slow the draining of the Alliance faction.

Its not the racials that is the problem, its the perceived idea that 1 side has better racials than the other, and that it somehow will make or break if you do good on PvP.

Balance factions, give the alliance a carrot, a treat, something that will make them want to pvp. And the rest sort it self out.

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In Classic Alliance had a higher population due to PvE benefits of having Paladins.

However, there has been a huge swing in faction balance with the start of Classic TBC where horde is clearly the dominant faction now.

Horde players are more catered towards PvP (in general) which is why you’re seeing these long queues and the fact that a lot of players did change faction with the character boost service this only amplified the problem.

The bigger issue is the fact that people don’t want to play on a dying faction.

There are so many upsides to being on a highly populated faction (more groups for dungeons, better economy, more raids, more players to PvP with etc).

If you remove arguably the only downside of being on the more populated faction then the Alliance faction will drain even faster.

Are we in agreement on this?

My argument is that it is happening regardless. Horde is getting HvH.
The least Blizzard could do was damage control and transform HvH into MF v MF, while making Mirror racials to make faction rerollers to think twice and redirect some new players to the Alliance.

Now they did only part about minor rewards. But alone this measure is pointless for any player serious about PvP.

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