Compromise alternative to HvH. Mirror racials and Mixed Faction vs Mixed Faction BGs

As we know devs had offered to test their solution to Horde queues that benefitted resolving that faction’s only disadvantage greatly.
However, since Alliance PvP centered players lost the only incentive of staying in minority faction, that being faster BG queues, and started playing on Horde side, AvH became even more one sided than before and AvA proved to be on longer queues and full of PvP indifferent AFKers. That is pushing more PvP players away from Alliance and creates new problem.

To counterbalance this side effect I suggest following:

Introduce Mirror racials.

Add second active racial ability form races of opposing faction, but keep their cooldowns linked together and using one ability would put it and another one on their CDs.


  • Humans: Perception / EMFH (WotF like)

  • Dwarves: Stoneform / Molten Fury (Blood Fury)

  • Gnomes: Escape Artist / Mana burn Ray + Implosion trap (Mana tap + Arcane Torrent)

  • Night Elves: Shadowmelt / Blessing of Elune (Berseking)

  • Draenei: Gift of Naaru / Battle stomp (War stomp)


  • Orcs: Blood fury / Fel skin (Stone form)

  • Trolls: Berseking / Hex of Shadows (Shadowmelt)

  • Tauren: Warstomp / Gift of the Earth Mother (Gift of Naaru)

  • Forsaken: WotF / Perception (Perception)

  • Blood Elves: Mana Tap + Arcane Torrent / Elusive dance (Escape Artist)

Remake HvH into modified mercenary mode.

After certain queue threshold, like 15 minutes a dialogue window should pop out asking if player wants to join Mixed faction vs Mixed faction BG search or continue AvH search.
Upon joining MFvMF BG they would either be transformed into Horde or Alliance races, depending on the map side.
Wiith Mirror racials no one will complain about imbalance or temporary losing their racials due to being on opposing faction side of the map.
Mixed factions would also allow for almost instant matchmaking.

Give underrepresented faction member bonus rewards for winning BGs

Regardless of Mixed Faction mode or not, give underrepresented in queue faction member extra honor, gold, bonus rested exp… you name it, but only for wins.

Bonus measures for keeping faction balance.

  • Add limited, but free faction change from servers majority to servers minority faction only.
  • Limit character boost and character transfers to servers majority faction if player does not have lvl 55+ character of dominant faction on that server. Make no limits in these services for minority faction. If you want to be on dominant faction you have the right to level from lvl 1.

how about just separate the Q’s altogheter.
AvA and HvH
arenas same thing AvA and HvH
no interaction at all from both factions, racials are always same and probably easy to implement.
They could make a special event to decide Rank 1’s at the end of the season where the top 20 alliance fight the top 20 horde

All considering classic is out of the window anyways

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With remaining Alliance PvPers seeing more indifferent PvE Afkers and rerolling for “true PvP” to the Horde, queues in AvA and AvH will become even longer. Separating factions will not improve PvP scene of this game or open world wPvP situation.

i mean no AvH at all
the horde fight the horde and alliance fight the alliance
there has always been afkers in the alliance since ever so i dont see any issues.
Games would be fast since its comun interest in the alliance to end quick BGs and no stalling.
While the zugs can zug on their HvH Bgs

Arenas same thing, no wotf for the alliance to complain about
For the open world sittuation its either war mode or it is what it is.

Why not have AvH until one side runs out of the opposition then have them fight the same faction, sounds good. :wink:

Interesting. But NO


Then you will get HvH with fast queues and slow AvH queues where you will only find Horde premades or AvA with both sides full of AFKrs. Any player half serious about PvP would reroll to Horde in such conditions.

That’s actually how last week test was, at least supposedly. :slight_smile:

Because if you prioritise AvH first you get some Horde players waiting 1h for AvH and others 1minute for HvH.

A true player with true solution. Big up from me wish I see more people like you bringing down the solution or option you write here . Cheers big up big boy !

And how that help to balance population?

Mirror racials alone won’t make Horde wanting to reroll, but they will stop “Horde racials are OP” talks and subjective reason players are leaving Alliance.

Other points I mentioned, like Mixed Faction vs Mixed Faction, Bonuses for minority faction and extra control on services in majority faction, will ensure new players will think twice and not click “Boost on Horde” button on PvP realm without two thoughts about overpopulation consequences.


How about just remove racials from rated PVP and PVE?


No. Just bring back HvH or give us faction change.

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I dare any of you alliance to accept removing racials alltogether.

Only if they would be removed from wPvP and PvE as well.

Passives, except Hardiness, are pretty minor and can be left untouched.

what do you mean as well? I said alltogether, gone, no longer in game. EVERYTHING.

Agree with everything except the below, i want to be able to play AV, your idea would include AV with solving the BG-queue problems

Dunno if the below is possible, would be nice for pvp realms but it wouldn’t really matter for bg’s

I have perfect solution, level up in horde. Cya in instabg, zugzug!

I think you should add here that full premades must be queued against full premades. The maximum size of premade in random queue must be 5 players.
That will extend queues, but MFvsMF will speed things up and compensate, making queues shorter again.