Concentrated Primal Focus availability

The source of Concentrated Primal Focus is (correct me if I’m wrong):

  • Mythic raid bosses
  • Mythic+ dungeons completion at +15

You need 10 to create one Concentrated Primal Infusion, crafting 1 item to 418.
If you don’t do Mythic+ dungeons, mythic raid 2/8 (pugs or your own group) is your best shot, taking 5 weeks to upgrade one item.

I’m in this boat. Which is fine, if that is intended game design. But it feels like mythic is tuned assuming that you do do Mythic+ and can craft your gear at the highest item level.

With 10.0.7, I wish there were more sources for Concentrated Primal Focus. Not saying it should be possible to upgrade everything in 2 weeks, but some better better sources than M+ - like a rare chance on heroic bosses (like Bottled Essence).

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High rated PvP arena players also get them randomly in victory loot boxes. Given that you can get that rating in solo shuffle, I guess that’s technically “solo content”. I don’t remember the exact rating, but it’s well over 2000.

It also drops from 2400 rating pvp.

But if you don’t do anything above 15, don’t do more than 2 mythic bosses or PVP above 2400, what do you need 418 focus for?

I think the drop rate is fine. We’re not supposed to be fully maxed and geared out overnight.

Even if I go fully sweaty gamer, I might only put 1 together during a week of M+. But in general I think getting 1 completed every 2 weeks is fine on average. Thats pretty much the same drop rate for Sparks anyway.

It would be nice to be able to send them to alts though. Even if it’s at a 50% cost.

Fair points. Yeah, I probably don’t need it for the content I’m doing.

Thing is, I play a healer and really don’t enjoy M+. And being able to craft at the higher level would help my mythic raiding progression. Guess it’s the price to pay for not wanting to do M+.

Well if you’re Mythic raiding you probably do need it for the content you are doing.

But then again, if you’re Mythic raiding 2-4 +16s a week isn’t going to be too challenging for you, especially if you have some friends to go with. +16 is the lowest key that drops them.

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