Concerns Regarding Support and Maintenance for Cataclysm Classic

I wanted to take a moment to share some concerns that many within the Cataclysm Classic community, myself included, have been discussing for a while now. I hope that someone from Blizzard can take notice, as we genuinely want to see this game thrive.

To be honest, there’s growing frustration among Cataclysm Classic players due to what feels like a lack of attention and care when it comes to fixing issues within the game—especially compared to the frequent patches and hotfixes we see for Retail and Season of Discovery (SoD).

As a guild master who is heavily involved in the game, it’s disheartening to see so many bugs, particularly in raiding, going seemingly ignored. I know that many of us diligently submit bug reports and feedback, but there hasn’t been an updated “known issues” list for a while, so we have no idea if these concerns are even on Blizzard’s radar. The lack of communication on this front leaves us feeling like we’re shouting into the void.

In the past month, Cataclysm Classic has only seen four hotfixes—averaging just one per week. That might seem acceptable at first glance, but considering the scale of Blizzard as a company, and the fact that we’re paying customers, I think we deserve a bit more attention. I understand that technically we pay for Retail, and Classic is often considered “free,” but let’s be honest—there are likely more players invested in Classic than there are in Retail and SoD combined. Without the Classic community, Blizzard wouldn’t be the powerhouse it is today.

Even more concerning is the content of the hotfixes we do get:

  • 5th September: Guild Herald and Guild Page not working—now fixed. (Good fix, but not raid-related, which is what 90% of the community cares about.)
  • 9th September: A Classic quest in Feralas was fixed.
  • 24th September: Brewfest interaction issue was resolved (how was that still broken?).
  • 3rd October: Now you need to kill the final boss in ZA for valor points, and a decent fix for Druid staff drops.

These are appreciated, but they don’t address the more serious raid bugs that are causing frustration. For example, pets are still unusable in Al’Akir Phase 3, and Shamans can’t use Totems in that same phase. Pets also can’t use lifts without being dismissed and resummoned. These issues have been lingering for some time, and it’s difficult to understand why they haven’t been prioritised.

There are many many more bugs in Cata, these are just SOME of the ones I honestlly cannot beleive are still an issue, some are funny like the headless horsemen mount swimming in the air :smile:

Meanwhile, SoD seems to receive much more regular and targeted attention when it comes to bug fixes, especially in raiding, which is frustrating for those of us who are fully invested in Cataclysm Classic.

I’ve heard a lot of talk about Mists of Pandaria (MoP) being the next expansion for Classic, and I’m sure Blizzard will capitalise on that with in-game sales, which makes sense. But if MoP is to succeed, Blizzard can’t let the same lack of attention that Cataclysm has seen continue. Otherwise, many players will feel alienated, and it could impact the overall success of the Classic project.

At the very least, it would be great to have some transparency around known issues or a log showing that our feedback is being acknowledged and worked on. That kind of communication would go a long way in rebuilding trust with the community.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope Blizzard will consider these points moving forward. We all want Cataclysm Classic to reach its full potential, and a bit more support from Blizzard would make a world of difference.


Well the priority for Blizzard seem to lure some Classic players into retail to boost subscriber numbers, otherwise we wouldn’t see MoP Remix and residual memories in form of Vanilla NPCs and bosses. For the rest, more resilient ones classic andies devs seem to lock on rereleasing Vanilla as the most popular classic version, without understanding that this was once per 15 years nostalgia concentrate. Every consequent seasonal re-release would see less and less player attention.


How would it change? Classic and Retail share subscription, so if a Classic player moves to Retail, their sub count wouldn’t be changed.

Well Classic has periods of content stagnation and so does retail. If they could make players play both there wouldn’t be situation when players take a break for 1-3 months during content draughts.

The sub count wouldn’t change but retail has cash shop that makes a lot of money. Also add the purchases of new expansions.

You used to need to buy every single expansion before - now you just need the latest.

As time goes on, I am getting more and more concerned for the future of Classic.

We see Blizzard mass supporting Retail (Fair enough)
We see Blzzard mass supporting SoD/Hardcore even thought the player base is tiny and its dying.

Classic has some of the most players and the sole reason WoW is still active.
I bet you if they seperated Retail and Classic i.e the subs;

  • £5.99 per month for Classic.
  • £9.99 per month for Retial and Classic.

You watch the numbers. Maybe then they would realise that a large portion of their playerbase is active on the least supported version.

Really not sure I will continue into MoP if I am going to be constantly hit with bugs and issues.
Just this week, the HH mount is bugged, the new Firelands molton front mount is bugged and the new store mounts don’t make any sound when flying.

Its getting silly now.

New Monster Hunter out in Feb, at least Capcom care about their community.

I think Blizzard are backing the wrong horse. SoD is dead. Cata still thrives, at least on my realm. They need to reallocate resources.

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