This shoulder dont let my earthen shaman “apply button” it from transmogrify
I test other shoulder mog it’s worked applyed. Only “Concourse of the Forgotten Reservoir” dont.
Edit: It was LFR version armor
This shoulder dont let my earthen shaman “apply button” it from transmogrify
I test other shoulder mog it’s worked applyed. Only “Concourse of the Forgotten Reservoir” dont.
Edit: It was LFR version armor
same issue here, unlocked the shoulder tier and now it’s bugged in my transmog collection (normal version)
Mine was LFR version
I’ve gone through all the steps in the support article but I’m also still having this issue with Shaman Tier, the shoulders and helm appearances just won’t let me apply them even though they’re unlocked, I’m eligible etc.
still bugged mon. reacquiring the item doesn’t work either.
this is still broken. support told me they can do nothing and will forward it to the devs - that was a month ago. where is the fix?
Hope tomorrow 11.0.5 could fix
fixed for me now
Really? quick check my shaman and try mog it
It’s worked!
Good work, Blizz
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