We are talking about a single covenant ability making up for 25-30% of a warriors already high damage. This is on par with gushing wound stacking in BfA. Is blizzard feeling happy with this?
Well something had to replace the bfa DH i guess
My only issue with Condemn is the fact it puts up a damage absorption for literally no reason. Class already has an expansive defensive toolkit, why did they give them my Smite debuff too?
They should add a necrotic effect and a lifesteal effect to condemn
I’m not sure why are you comparing condemn (a class ability) to gushing wounds (a passive that procced off all your spells).
Damage is absurd , also the charge talent shoud have at least 5 sec cd when ur venthyr specced. Doesn’t matter how bad you are you just rotate between MS and condemn and something eventually dies because it’s impossible to outdamp an arms.
He’s comparing them due to the damage breakdown. In BFA Gushing often did 25-35% of some spec’s entire damage breakdown. Condemn is the same for Arms.
@Onlyfáns, damage is pretty high yeah, and it’s degenerate spec design in PvE as well as PvP to have a spec’s breakdown consist of 55% one button. That said, a large portion of the reason that you can’t outdamp them is that their main target is effectively perma-Dueled due to the damage absorption.
Im comparing the amount of damage from one effect compared to another one which was obviously broken aswell. Gushing could do 25-35% of someones damage during a game.

why did they give them my Smite debuff too?
Mind Blast you mean?
it also does 40-50%+ dmg in raids due to warriors being designed by a blind person who never played a warrior

already high damage
yet, still warrior is the worst dps class in the game
ret does same dmg, while healing alongside, for same amount as he does dmg:
- that’s from awc yday
It’s Mind Blast now. It was Smite and spammable the way Condemn’s is.

It’s Mind Blast now. It was Smite and spammable the way Condemn’s is.
Meant to imply it has an actual cooldown now unlike before, my bad.
Ah, yee. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Disc needs the Smite mechanic now that it has more buttons to press; it’s just curious to me that they took the 100% uptime damage absorption mechanic away from Disc only to give it to Warriors lmao.
Actually condemn warrior replace DH, but it requires slightly more iq to play from -10 to 15 iq. DH main “father” playing Awar condemn in AWC.

yet, still warrior is the worst dps class in the game
would be if battle shout wasnt necessary in every raidteam+massive utility on fights like inerva and artificer
rogue is worse because they legit bring nothing to the table and only outlaw does mediocre dps
if they “fix” reflecting traps / add spawns - warrior representation in mythic raids would shrink from 0,7% (seriously, did calculations based on top100 kills from every boss from warcraftlogs)
to 0,1%
here’s my thread Warrior in pve - wheelchair class - #5 by Battlebeast-burning-legion
Can’t believe that I literally foresaw that Arms would be spamming 2 buttons while having good earths utility and defensive literally 1 month before SL launched.
you’re basing your calculations on top 100 parses when those are obviously skewed towards a certain spec that excels at that fight? do you not see the problem with such a tiny sample size? we also cant ignore the fact that most top parses are cheesed with several PI:s on one target, and with castle nathria being incredibly anti-melee you barely see any melee dps in top 100 to begin with
by your logic i should be crying for fire mage buffs because there’s 0 fire mages in council top 100 and 2 fire mages in huntsman top 100
i see you’ve also conveniently ignored that the top 2 overall player is a warrior, with incredible performances topping dps on almost every fight:

you’re basing your calculations on top 100 parses when those are obviously skewed towards a certain spec that excels at that fight?
no, i base it upon single target fight without huge mechanics, where as melee you can stick to the target constantly, besides few run outs, and few ranged grips where amount of movement is equal
sludgefist is terrible for melee, and you’d know that if you had actually pulled the boss even once
also nice1 choosing to ignore everything i posted just to nitpick and be wrong anyway