Condemn animation problem

If you are in war mode as Arms warrior with condemn and pvp talent death sentence, your awesome new condemn animation is not showing.

Please could you fix this? Condemn is the major reason I chose venthyr and for many Arms warriors I spoke with they absolutely love this new condemn animation as well. It is a signature ability afterall.


It’s true, it’s some kind of a bug. Condemn animation is showing right in some places, but in some situations it’s not, it’s just a sound and nothing displayed. Like in Torghast, and when more enemies, it’s allright, but when in open world and with single target, it shows nothing. Fix it please! :slight_smile:


I was looking for this post, its probably slipped under the radar since soo many pvp warriors are running Kyrian.

If you combine Condemn with Death Sentence, the “ranged” 15 yard animation works, but when you are in melee range, your character just stands there.

This might sound minor but it is actually astonishing how much that animation matters in pvp. Please fix this.




Exactly. Blizz, where’s fix please…?


I have a similar complaint about Condemn’s animation - mainly that it doesn’t sync up with the sound or damage. The trouble is in the animation your character strikes your enemy at the end of the animation, but the damage and sound occur in the middle of the swing. I personally find this delay very jarring and it makes me feel like I’m lagging. If the animation for Condemn could be sped up, or the sound moved to the end of the animation, this would be a big improvement to the responsiveness and satisfaction of playing Warrior.


This is not a bug, this are the spirits of your ancestors striking the target.

All the fixes on other things and something as simple as this is still broken, why?

Adding my +1 here. Need a fix about that !

That s the reason i am have switched to war off… what Horde diden t achieved in BfA this bug did. It is just to irritating to play without animation feedback.

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Still no fix huh…? :frowning:

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#day 123
-Has it fix yet?

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Blizzard is busy coming up with new retarded systems and cannot fix

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there is no radar at all

Still no fix for Condemn animation? C’mon.

using world breaker mace or s1 / s2 two handed mace prevents animation also

Bump on the tread.
I confirm that there is no animation for Condemn on my Zandalari Troll Warrior (arms spec) as well.
It is really annoying and as people mentioned, in PvP it means a lot to see how your character moves.
EDIT: Animation is only working when Sweeping Strikes is active.

I unironically decided against going venthyr because of that. It’s so annoying.

Come on Blizz, fix Condemn animation already!

The thing is, animation really does looks awesome when you see it.

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Bump. Fix it already!