Condemn, really?

I agree.
Charge cooldown should be 15s, or 20s with stun instead of root.
Warrior mobility is the worst it ever was since the release of wow.

Give ret a charge and dmg output will be an issue. Do you think that even if we nerf the mobility of arms ( no Sudden Death) Dmg output will still be an issue ?

To do this, you first have to nerf things like convoke, fire mage dmg, ele dmg, ww dmg, hunter dmg, by a lot, or we end with something horrible, range and more mobile classes kite warrior all day long while spamming their dmg, and warriors donā€™t have enough up time to do meaningful dmg.
Then Blizzard either buff warrior dmg even more (isnā€™t that what rets are now?) or they slow down the whole meta by a lot.
You canā€™t nerf things like condemn dmg or warrior uptime, without nerfing others and still having a balanced game, if this happens, weā€™ll see the same thing that happened in BFA - warrior mediocre at best and all transfer to DH and WW (currently probably just to WW).

I kinda disagree on that tbh.
Death Sentence (the pvp talent) has been added during Legion, where Exec Dmg was pretty low. It wasnā€™t a problem back then.

It got untouched during BFA, again itā€™s fine since exec was literally trash.
Then for SL, they changed Arms mastery, strikes now do more and bleeds do less. Now Exec is a heavy hit again, and it can be used at 15yards range AND it closes a gap on top of it. You throw Condemn and Massacre in the mix, and you have a strong hit on a 15y range that can be used pretty often.

In short, you canā€™t have Execute/Condemn doing Execute/Condemn dmg with a backed in charge. I donā€™t want TV to make rets charge in, but I want TV to hit hard. Thatā€™s how I see it.

No to mention that warriors with kyrian do just fine without charge Condemn too

The problem with mobility lies in more factors.
Just to mention, ret can instagib from range, so a comparison here isnā€™t very applicable.
But, mainly ranged got a lot of instant casts, also they got too many defenses also they got the same (in some cases more) HP than melees. All things were not like that before.
Uptime was tuned to be lower, so that range can apply some dmg from safe range, before being pushed back. Letā€™s not forget, that range, in itself is an advantage off the bat. In the same time, melee had more limited mobility, but when connected, the glassy nature of ranged made it matter.
Now game is different, when thinking about condemn dmg + charge you have to get the whole picture in.
So when you factor in all the things range can do now, itā€™s only normal melee to have either this or some cheezy 1 shot from range or in CD mechanic like ret.
I, and probably most warriors, prefer by a large to have a more overall sustained mechanic than some cheesy trick, or poor frustrating to play, no uptime and poor dmg warrior as we have had for too long before.

Well you may be right, idk. Honestly I think arms would still do fine without Death Sentence

I donā€™t think that will be the case.
Just wait for the buffs to druid and we know how lasting and ā€¦ controversial druid meta can be.
With nerf to pala, weā€™ll see less of them and they empower warriors by a lot, with freedom. When druids come and probably MW, with their mana buffs, things will be quite different.
Frost will probably be on the horizon too, weā€™ll see.
But overall itā€™s not that hard even now to kite warriors even with condemn on a good enough number of specs.
After all, I kind of get the feeling people think warriors are not allowed to do dmgā€¦
They have no self healing, no immunity, limited CC, and do need the heavy dmg, for which they need, for the lack of any range dmg, the uptime.
After all, warrior is one of the worst specs to dictate tempo, itā€™s a very re-active instead of pro-active class, deny them up time and dmg and they are total crap.

letā€™s not forget our movement mechanics wonā€™t change at all throughout entire expansion

While warlock / ele shammy / frost mage dmg will raise and (as i said numerous times) 9.3 meta will shift into spellcleaves kiting warrior 24/7.

Right now even condemn death sentence is sometimes not enough to get to that dammm resto druid and NF warlock

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Yeah I admit I didnā€™t considered the current meta when judging Death Sentence- Condemn to be too strong.
I forgot we are in the Convoke/Divine Toll/Shadowy Duel expac. Maybe indeed war needs that extra uptime. I didnā€™t feel like being kited more than usual when I was kyrian tho but then again I had the Spear, so idk

Say what now?

Yes, warrior has low mobility:)))))

2charges and leap, such a slow, unmobile class.

For any knowing what skills to use hunter even now is not a problem to kite quite well a warrior. If mobility is nerfed, they should need to do even less dmg or it will be like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
Since hunters donā€™t play vs warriors only and they have weaknesses vs others, nerfing their dmg wouldnā€™t be good in general, hence, nerfing warrior would not make much sense either in that regard.

u know you could get higher rating if you knew how many charges warrior hasā€¦ cause itā€™s not 2 :wink:

Ty for bashing my rating:), hope u feel good.

Im sure i can get higher if id play:), but im kinda of disgusted it with wow for like 2 weeks.

Just playing rbgs cuz are funnier than arenas atm.

Gluck getting that rank 1 bro!


For any knowing what skills to use warrior have it very easy to catch a hunter. Stun, save you procced condemn. Hunter leaps or knocks you. Press condemn just as distance is closing to get back on track.

And since hunter burst = double tap + kyrian skill, warrior will save stun/charge/disarm for that and poooooff your burst is dead. Hunter is one of the worst dps specs in the game and warrior is one of few specs who can shut down their burst window completely.

Mortal Strike care armor.

Iā€™ve yet to be outpressured by Condemn in 2s, I think itā€™s overrated and people think that Condemn is the only way to be successful with the spec.

Yep, like the person you quoted replyed, rating bashing is pretty sad man.
How about you try to help instead of being a edgy kid??
Food for thought

Iā€™m looking forward to the new battlelord legendary, will likely make the other covenants feels better to play and even the playing field in raw throughput a bit between Venthyr and the rest.

Yeah, both Battlelord and Enduring Blow looks to have potential

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