Conditional for standing in water?

I am having this problem with my mount macros. I can tell it to use the hippogryph when swimming and my regular mount when not, but the regular mount tends to not work when standing in shallow water. So I gotta find a solution for that.

Huh? All mounts should work regardless of water.

Which mount are you having problems with?

There’s no macro condition to test if you’re standing in water.

I think it’s mostly the flying disc. But might also happen on others. IIRC it says “you cannot mount here”.

EDIT: “To use this mount in the current area you must be above water.” - while standing to my waist in water. Standing, not swimming, not submerged. Only seems to affect the disc mount.

Appears to be an issue unique to that mount, was able to duplicate it.
Interestingly it does not affect the Mage class mount, Archmage’s Prismatic Disc.

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Yeah, I love that disc. It even works underwater.

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