Confessions (Draenor) are Recruiting Casual players for mythic + and Raiding

We here in Confessions we are recruiting more players for mythic + content. As we draw close to clearing the heroic raid (given our limited time of playing) as a guild we are now drawing our attentions to recruiting more players to do mythic plus on our spare time and climb keys.

We understand not everyone has the time to stay after clearing the raid and would like to take a break before the next season start.

If you are struggling to get into keys because you are not a meta class or your rating isnt high enough then maybe we can help. We are looking for more casual player’s to play with and kill some time.

If you are interested, send your application ingame and ill be happy to accept it.

I can’t seem to find you nor the Guild in game. Very interested in joining, my discord is Walshys or ign is bighenchbech-silvermoon

I am currently offline (at work posting this) I will definitely keep an eye for you once i am online later on this evening.