Configure Columns in Crafting Orders

This is about the view that shows you all the crafting orders available for whatever profession.

Anyone has a clue where you can configure the columns for the crafting orders?
For jewelcrafting crafting orders I see the columns “Name”, “Commission (Max)”, “Commission (Avg.)”, “Available”
For enchanting crafting orders I see the columns “Name”, “Player Name”, “Comission”, “Reagents”, “[ClockSymbol]”

All Addons deactivated.
Still the crafting orders from both professions look completely different.
I feel like I am missing some very basic thing that everyone knows, please bear with me :slight_smile:

You are not missing anything, this is how it is by design … design done by un unpaid intern who probably was drunk.
Also people have been asking for a way to filter out public orders without mats (mats: None or Some) for ages, yet this plea is being totally ignored.

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Thank you, that is plausible, pity.

Guess I will search for a decent add-on that fixes this GUI.

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