Connection issue while playing wow classic

Happy for you mate. Didn’t help in my case sadly, but cool at least some folks can already play normally. There’s something seriously wrong on the way:

Just reposting so you can see the image :wink:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

I caught the exact moment of the spike right now, and it’s just as @Aegga posted up: that node owned by GoDaddy seems to be causing the issues:

Exactly the same problem, Poland, Vectra.

It’s not fixed, although today was less lag and shorter freezes.

What I also noticed is when it lags/freeze in WoW, also sometimes Discord also ‘lags’, but not every time.
All other sites/aps/games work without a problem

Also tried everything to fix it, can’t really raid or m+ with it, guess time to cancel sub, as it’s like 1 or more month now like that and Blizzard doesn’t care.

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I have the same issue we all seem have similar ISP but they say its not their problem
And when I try to ticket the support - error occurred try again later

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| No response from host - 100 | 265 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 265 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| - 22 | 717 | 565 | 7 | 10 | 38 | 9 |

| - 25 | 666 | 502 | 13 | 16 | 37 | 23 |

| - 50 | 443 | 223 | 23 | 26 | 41 | 25 |

| - 41 | 508 | 304 | 23 | 25 | 39 | 28 |

| - 41 | 501 | 296 | 23 | 25 | 38 | 23 |

| ae8-213.RT.LDC.WAW.PL.retn. net - 88 | 293 | 36 | 52 | 56 | 71 | 53 |

| ae3-4.RT.EQX.FKT.DE.retn. net - 88 | 293 | 36 | 52 | 56 | 69 | 54 |

| pr01.eqfr5.blizzardonline. net - 33 | 572 | 384 | 46 | 52 | 110 | 47 |

| ae1-br01-eqfr5.as57976. net - 53 | 425 | 202 | 45 | 85 | 4214 | 49 |

| et-0-0-2-br01-eqam1.as57976. net - 42 | 481 | 282 | 46 | 516 | 4128 | 47 |

| - 96 | 271 | 13 | 0 | 2738 | 4795 | 3799 |

| - 24 | 686 | 527 | 45 | 48 | 73 | 46 |

| - 29 | 617 | 441 | 45 | 48 | 59 | 48 |

| No response from host - 100 | 265 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 265 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 265 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| - 2 | 1257 | 1243 | 44 | 46 | 75 | 46 |


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@Bellem Exact same thing. Try submitting a ticket in the payment help category, all of a sudden it will work perfectly fine. I was talking to the ISP rep (MM) several minutes ago, and they said that after analyzing the issue the node that is causing all of this mess is “br01-eqam1” (owned by GoDaddy). So there’s nothing we ourselves can do about that, it’s up to Blizz. So all we can do is keep bumping this thread so we get noticed :slightly_frowning_face:

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Same problem. It’s probably time to give up on Blizzard games, maybe it’s time for Last Epoch.
Last time I was at WSG, I had so much lags that I moved my dead body and could even jump. The best part is that I watched it on a friend’s stream on discord, because on my screen I was still alive, sitting on the Kodo.

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Actually, changing DNS servers didn’t help. The issue occurred again today, it was just lucky day yesterday for some reason. Looks like Blizzard doesn’t care

yep still not resolved

It’s getting worse for me every day. From 1-2 spikes a night to a spike every 20-30 mins.


every 10-15m for at least 1 min, oh well, good I didn’t buy 12 months sub, still 1 month though

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People on US are even posting about this problem, random people in dungeons too. It’s been so bad since the beginning of this week that my friends and I are considering writing to them about locking us out of the game - stopping the expiry of our subscriptions. High keys are impossible to do anyway.

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Another day, the issue remains. Man I wish someone with this issue was an MDI competitor, we’d have it solved by now.

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I tried to submit a ticket but the page just reloads and doesn’t do anything. This is pure mockery

I have the same problem. I randomly get lag for 20/30 seconds and then everything goes back to normal. This makes it impossible to raiding.

similar issue here. i’m not a vectra user , as a network provider , i’m using orange as a network provider and i’m getting similar freezes . The game stops , everyone around starts moonwalking , but I can see new messages on chat (from weakaura etc) and after a while the game loads all spells which were casted during freeze in like 1 sec and i keep playing . Sometimes the game freezes to the point I need to restart the whole game . It makes whole game unplayable especially when u progress mythic tindral or play high m+ dungeons

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I have this issue too, but my internet provider is Netia. Random Huge lag spikes (10-15 sec freeze and then everything goes x2 til “live”) and after this everything is fine.

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Guys from my guild have the same and it was problem from blizzard…Random spikes (10-15 sec freeze).They play other games and have no issue

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Hi, also my internet provider is Vectra and on retail wow I have constant freezes of games. I reset the router to factory settings and contacted Vectra. problems still exist!!!

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unplayble game on retail, disgusting

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