Connection issue while playing wow classic

Not true at all. The data is routed differently for different data sets. The problematic issue is way past “blizzardonline/net” and is therefore out of ISPs’ jurisdiction - it falls under Blizzard’s though. See it here (#13, whereas first Blizzard’s node is #11)

nice to see that you have Blizzard as your ISP.
since Blizzard dosent control the entire internet then they basicly cant do anything about the issue when it isnt on their side.

Same issue here. Fauly IP address is which belongs to blizzard and sometimes fails to respond.

Issue occurrs in multiple game services at the same time (for example while playing WoW Classic on 1 PC and Overwatch 2 on 2nd PC). In both cases in different games - “gameplay” freezes like there is a lag (in OW2 all players are frozen, can’t use abilities, in WoW same, can’t cast a spell), but chat is working just fine.

For example while the lag is on, I got a notification in chat in WoW - that my friend just quit playing OW2 on the 2nd PC (actually quit the game due to the lag, not an error/disconnect) - while the other player is also currently lagged.

That openresty node is being operated by Blizzard (as seen in a blue post from a 2020 thread about a similar issue), and owned by their partner (GoDaddy). When you buy a service, and something doesn’t work, what do you do? Precisely. And Blizz should do exactly what we are doing right now, although I imagine the reaction on the partner’s side would be much more immediate.

I fail to understand why are you so adamant about defending Blizzard, when it’s an obvious fault on their side. Is it the lack on knowledge and being stone-set in your beliefs that refuse to budge in the face of facts, or something else entirely?

Also: alas, the issue status hasn’t changed.

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i am not defending blizzard at all but since you already wrote it was owned by another company then blizzard cant just go in and say “let us fix that” exactly because it is owned by another company.
and just FYI GoDaddy isnt owned by Blizzard.
also just because you see one thing dosent mean it is like that since the connection between you and that node involve alot of other nodes which are owned by others so basicly thing aint as simple as you want it to be.
also what i find really wierd is that if this was on Blizzard then alot more players would be affected aswell which again lead me to beleive it isnt on their side otherwise they would have fixed it.
and just so you know i want you to play the game as much as you do since i hate when this happens for me.

blizzard cant just go in and say “let us fix that”

yes they can. this faulty node is behind blizzardonline . net so they definitely responsible for it

if it is owned by GoDaddy which he clearly wrote it was then Blizzard cant do anything since it is owned by another company.
but are you referring to IP or which one are you referring to?

GoDaddy is not a company owning servers, they only issue domain names. I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s a hosting or something

i only know them by name but with your explanation it sounds similar to Hostmaster we have in my country.
but i found a thread in this forum from 2020 that also mention the specific adress as several here have posted:

and just scroll down to the first blue post.

i dont know if this can help at all but at least it is worth a try but i do hope this is getting resolved as fast as possible.

Same problem on retail. Also vectra.

The issue still persists. It wasn’t every 10 minutes, but every 40-50 minutes today, but it still makes raiding / doing keys impossible. Screenshot from pingplotter:

Issue is back again after month of clean gameplay

Yep, same here, same symptoms as everybody else is describing. Has been significantly worse in the past 1-2 weeks than ever before.

I’m playing SoD on EU-Living Flame and I get repeated periods of extremely, extremely high ping (it says anywhere between 5k and 16k ping to world, but in reality I am completely lagged out and nothing works for minutes at a time).

Have tried all of the suggestions both here and from Blizzard, sent tickets but just been met with automated replies that didn’t even take a look at the ping/trace files I sent in.

Game is far too unreliable to play at the moment.

Would ask for my money back or free sub time while I take a break until it’s fixed, but who knows when that will be.

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Still on going, some days it’s better some days it’s worse.
Had almost non stop 900-5000ms all of today. Only an issue on WoW. Sending tickets and posting on forums and getting absolutely zero help.

Still on going, do I have to post every single day until Blizzard officially acknowledge they have an issue?

Currently trying to play with 3700 ping only in WoW.

Is fine literally half the time, complete unplayable lagfest the other half.

edit from next day:

Daily reminder that Blizzard routing needs a serious look at.

I sub’d to NordVPN and the lag instantly disappears when I turn it on during the periods of super high ping, which are now an almost all day occurrence.

I returned to WoW after 4 months and I got same issue like you guys.
ISP Netia - random huge lag spike only @WoW
So I believe Blizzard don’t care.

Same on retail. Many people affected. No actions from Blizzard after 2 weeks.

i have the same problem with retail and with pandaria remix , problems are only on dungeons or raid 20 - 30 sec huge lag and then speed run . ISP Vectra Poland why Blizz still dont fixed it? is a problem blizz move your a*s and doo proper work. Everyday i have 2-3 lags with VPN its working ok but this is stupid that i must pay for VPN to normal play a game…

Been more than a month and still the same issue.

Faröw linked the topic with the issue.