Connection issues from Blizzards end

The servers have a high tendancy to just DC you whilst you stay logged in with all the other stuff you usually run, YouTube/Discord/whatever you do.
What is this nonsense? It is only for the WoW games that people got and it still hasn’t been fixed since 2019? What the heck is going on over there that those types of things got like 0 priority but rushing mediocre patches are of higher value?

Is there an actual explaination for this or did we just roll over and accepted this?

I’m afraid my friend that maybe you’re experiencing technical problems on your side, and that WoW server/client won’t DC you based on running several softwares at the same time.

I would suggest you to:

  • Remove last software you have installed from you computer.
  • Run a anti-virus/malware/spyware check, you maybe are infected.
  • Try to stop any antivirus or firewall software you may running that may interfeer with network ports, or follow Blizzard’s guides in order to properly configure them.
  • Try to run just World of Warcraft w/out any other software and check if problem persists.
  • Try to test your internet connection.
  • Try to test your hardware pieces, maybe it is RAM memory is issue or storage one.
  • Run WoW in background and start running isolated software (internet browser, media software, antivirus/firewalls, etc.) one by one, one each time, so you can detect which software may be interferring with WoW.

Once you find the source of the problem, then ask help from any experience technical support or follow any available guide you may find through the Internet.

I dont have this problem, dosent meant it dont exist but this is not happening for me

I see the same issues today, constantly dropping WoW/BNet client.
No new SW or similar stuff. I think something it up on Blizz side.

Im getting DC over and over.
In the morning it worked normally.

Frequent disconecting ~10-15 min - #28 by Tyrskorn here you go bruh

too bad i aint from poland