Hey gents,
I have been having severe disconnect issues in WoW. It is only in WoW, all other online games i have no issue. And im getting the auto bot generated reply from Blizzard bla bla bla try this and that even tho i did all the things in their toubleshooting ticket. Would be nice if a human actually would help you these days. Anyways… The issue started at 24-04-2024. And ever since i get disconnected from WoW periodically, some times 2-3 times in 5 minutes, or more frequent. I have updated all PC drivers, disabled firewalls, exluded Wow processes in antivirus, disabled all Addons and cleared WoW WTF and cache folders, i even reinstalled WoW and battlenet and restarted my router. Please help since WoW is now unplayable. but here is the freaky part… i am almost certain its ONLY! when i engage combat, this disconnect ONLY happens while i fight, i can stand afk in 3-4 hours, gather, shop on AH… no issue. Anyone has some freaky idears?
Small update, this makes it even more freaky…
I can now confirm that the disconnects does not happen on the Wild Growth server, seems it only happens on the ChaosBolt server. Same setup, same addons ect.
I could do with some different ideas for this too. I keep getting disconnected every time I log in to the game for about 5 times in a row before I can actually play and then if I zone somewhere it happens again about 5 times so I can’t do any dungeons because I’m no longer in the group when I finally get to play again. add in random disconnects on top and it starts the process again, I just can’t play the game at the moment.
I have tried all the fixes that are apparently “easy” fixes for this error code but nothing is working. even without any addons, new cache folders etc, it still happens.
I’m having similar connection issues. Sometimes chars won’t load on login screen, sometimes loading screens take like 5 minutes and sometimes world MS sky rockets n the game freezes up, though chat continues working fine. I was able to play just fine for 20 minutes earlier, even did two timewalking dungeons, then problem was back. Also started on 24th Did everything the support ticket said and still no luck.
I can’t connect at all… 5 days… it dc’s immediately. I don’t even get to tthe character screen usually… if I do I am dc’d as the character logs in… I can change realm, I can change character but I’ve not yet found 1 character who logs… ver 4 realms and 53 characters. i even tried making a new one… nothing!
The GM said ‘go check the forums’ but all I see are dozens of others having the same issue and no resolution. I have initiated a chargeback from my card I pay subs with… I’m not paying for a service I am not receiving… they don’t care I know, but I do!
I was facing the same issue on my mage while levelling in Westfall. I just hearthstoned to Stormwind and it somewhat improved the situation. This was few weeks ago.
Today, I was gearing a Warrior on MOP Remix and kept getting dc’ed multiple times during boss fights and got eventually kicked out. I can understand party players frustration.
Yea, I checked everything on my end. My internet is fine. I followed all the generic steps like clearing cache and wtf folders. I don’t even use that many addons. Just Details Damage Meter to check DPS.
All this on Raverncrest Realm. Really frustrated at the moment. >.<