Conquest bug on Fresh 85?

I am playing arena, I cannot get any more points beyond 1450. Whether I win or loose it doesn’t matter.
Random BG gave me 120 conquest beyond this.
So I am stuck on 1450/20000 cap.

have 7 wins and 23 losses which should be
7x 250 = 1750
23x 75 = 1725
Total should be = 3,475

I am stuck on 1450 and cannot get any more via arena.

I need some help on this please, I have no idea why this is happening.


Also having this issue after playing a few arenas on my first 85. Can’t get higher than 720. I never played Cata at current content, if anyone could help me understand whether its a bug or something I’d appreciate it.

im having this issue aswell
if i change arena partner i will earn CP for a short while again

Strange. I partied up with some other random lonely souls on Saturday night, and I got 7200 in 2 hours, with no capping occuring.

Same here, with changing random arena partner it works again for 2-4 games. After that again nothing. Played around 70 rated games… could afford one piece of gear. Sent around 20 tickets in 3 weeks, still nothing. So frustrating.

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