Conquest cap 550 first week

atleast make it so we can buy 1 item per week, even 1k cap would be fine… this is just so sad. Its gonna take year to get full gear

i actually dont think its going to work like that. They just worded it weird. its 1100 second week if you are on a twink and catchup.

after 2 weeks every pve player will have 210+ ilvl because heroic raid gives 213 and you can spam dungeons to get 210+ too. 197 in comparison to 210 is not “slightly lower” especially without pvp scaling when our mainstats are the most important thing.

550 conquest per week is a joke when a chest costs 875 and a weapon costs 1800(just lol).

who would have thought that ? :clown_face:

no they didnt announce it since one day before the season. Everyone hoped that you could atleast get one guaranteed piece per week like it was in BFA. 550 is too low if this cap does not increase with rating. 10 weeks before i can buy a weapon? you trying to defend that? 10 weeks? also the weapon costs conquest worth of 4 weeks lol

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Of course Jito is going to justify that, because he doesn’t do pvp at all.
I bet he would complain about forcing PvE players to play PvP, because PvP gearing is faster.

People in this thread seem to be forgetting that we get an item from the weekly box as well as pvp conquest cap.

Only bad part about this is that we cannot get weapons until week 4.

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How is that reasonable? This means you get 1 item per 2 weeks. Its insanely slow. I actually cannot understand your thinking process here.

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Well, we had multiple discussions on PvP vendors during BfA. Barely talked about anything else on this forum. So this can’t possibly come as a surprise to anyone but ostriches with their head in the sand.

Obviously if PvE was driven by less loot dropping, and luck being a factor, then if PvP loot was to be of an equal item level and be available on a vendor, then something had to give.
You can’t have equally good gear alongside a far superior acquisition model. That’s not comparable.
The throttle in PvE is bad luck. That’s what slows the gearing process down.
You don’t have that in PvP, so there has to be something else. Obviously that’s the currency acquisition. What else can it be?

No you’ll get more. The cap is going to increase. You’ll get your vault item. You have your Honor upgrades.

What I understood was that you get 550 to your cap every week. 550 then 550 and so on. Not 550 first week and then you get 1100 and 1650.

This is litearlly fine.

But dw boys. Stoopz is about to make a video about this and yall are going to change your minds :ok_hand:

Yes, raids>M+ with type of gear stacks>rated weekly cap. I’m planing to play like that, coz even if you 100% focused PvP players, there is no reason to run into ranked in 1-st week, you will be roflstomped by good teams in RBG and R1 players in arenas.

550 makes no sense literally.

having such a low conquest cap with an rating requirement on gear is just awful

it should’ve been around 1650 and be increased each week with how high rated you are like back in the day.
Imagine every week you get only 550 conquest.

Rated Arenas : Rated Arenas are the most popular way to earn (Currency #390). Each arena win will award 180 Conquest Points up to the weekly cap of 1500 (1700 with the extra 200 for “winning” Ashran). Increasing your rating above 1597 will increase the weekly cap available to you.

This is the WoD counterpart.

Difference being:

  1. no rating requirment
  2. you can improve the cap by rating
  3. Gear you earned before by doing battlegrounds was BIS. 184 pvp gear however won’t be competitive to mythic+ gear and raid gear
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yes exectly 184 honor gear max m+10 wil give 203 first weak
0 point to farm honor nor do rated arena atm just pve
blizzard are careless

So is it 550, 550 550, or 550, 1100, 1650, etc?

505 1100 1650 still very sad

“gear pvp” btw , no resi ,no buff ilvl , its a fake gear pvp

Prob the same as it was in BfA. 550 the first week, 550 the second and so forth. Unless you missed a week, then you can acquire those conquest points ALSO in the current week.

But idk, doesn’t seem too clear.

From what I’ve seen on us, it seems like the cap itself is increase.
So basically 550 1 week, 1100 2 week (if you don’t buy a piece you’ll get 1650 the second week).

This change is stupid but I guess it’s because they nerfed the drop in mythic+ so pvper have to deal also with this in their own way.

U cannot do m+10 1 week 6 is the highest u can in the first 2 weeks

That is wrong. The gear is capped from drops at m10 but the weekly vault is not which means if you do 14 key, next reset (not tomorrow) you’ll receive 226 item from weekly vault.

Oh but 10 does give max ilvl btw i forgot to add u :confused:

No, m10 gives you max 203, so this week that is max. Next reset you’ll be able to get 210 gear from m14.

Just pm me into inbox.