Conquest cap 550 first week

SO blizzard you did it again we MUST do pve to compete Full pve gearing
while hc raid opens 213-220 ilvl loot and M+ 10 203 ilvl drop loot
WE the pvp comunity cant even buy 1 200 ivl item for conquest first week and on 2nd week we would be able to buy 1 item 1!!!
so we have no choice and go to raids and to m+
this ignorense and hate to pvp comunity is just sad you dont earn the respect or $ you get for that game
https:// www /forums /topic /54857-shadowlands-season-1-survival-guide-and-item-level-details/



not lookin too hot


4 weeks before wep is aquired,albeit 226.
Guess, I’ll snatch mythic boost and full hc clear from wednesday.

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550 per week? so we can buy weapons after 10 weeks(need 5k conquest achievment to buy them)

and a 2hand weapon costs 1800 so i cant buy anything for 4 weeks in order to buy a weapon?

we got fooled last day before the season again hahahahaha i knew it.

i dont get it. the gear isnt even good for pve its has versa on every slot just let us play the game ffs


The pvp cap will function like this;:

550 conq on first week, 1100 2nd, 1650 3rd, 2200 4th, 2750 5th etc…
So in 4 weeks you’ll have 5500 conquest.

Thats not even sure and even if i want to buy more then a fu**ing bad ring in week 1.

What can you even buy for 550 conquest? :thinking:


what the actual F***??? great vault says 1250 conq for reward num.1 next 2500 conq… so if im getting this right… we get our first pvp vault reward on third season week??? the hell? meanwhile braindead pve can farm item lvl into oblivion without any restriction

Edit: its honor, not conquest… but still… its not fair


A bad ring!

Is this for real?! this needs to be changed ASAP. atleast one item first week wtf.


Fair enough.

its honor dude not conq, honor from rated pvp

Honor gear is getting buffed up to item level 197 with rank 7 renown however, which should be around the level of M+6 gear?
Furthermore, that gear is gear that you’re basically guaranteed as long as you farm the required honor, as opposed to the RNG of M+ loot.

So overall I think we’ll be looking at a lot of dragonslayers with some really high level pieces, and a lot of PvPers completely decked out in slightly lower level pieces, then both groups will slowly upgrade through getting occasional BiS from conquest, mythic raiding and the weekly chest, no?


Seems reasonable to me. Expected as well.

Duly noting that some people seemingly thought that they could grind upwards of an entire set of BiS gear at their own leisure. Yeah… No. :roll_eyes:

So now the mirror shatters and the honeymoon phase is over and it’s full-on with the complaining, I guess. :smirk:


excuse me if im wrong but isnt the upgrade tomorrow ilvl 184 from honor gear ? I could be wrong though

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Ofc it does, you don’t play pvp :rofl:


I may very well have gotten that number wrong. I get confused by spreadsheets.

You’re implying that those who play PvP are unreasonable? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That also seems reasonable to me. :grin:

if it is 184, pve gear will be far ahead the first weeks sadly. Only good thing about it is that it will be even mid / end of the season

Chris sake, again forcing pvp players to do content they don’t want… what the heck 550 conquest cap and Forged through Blizzard’s Bullcrap Achievement for 5k points to buy weapons.

Really? REALLY!?

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