Conquest cap 550 first week

They just slowly all gearing, u can get weapon and other stuff thru weekly chest if u get lucky. :smiley: Actually thats system forced players to play longer, more subs = money.

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so disappointing. so frustrating.

I really want to see if stooppz can say anything positive about this.
I understand his points about avoiding to overnerf which would return us to bfa, but if you are not a rogue/hunter or a PvE player you can only feel bad about these news and wonder where they want to take pvp.
MoP was so freaking good, just bring the system back, but now it seems too late idk… The work required to reintroduce pvp stats at this time seems too much, maybe after the failure that will be s1 they will make some changes in the first patch to come.

Can you get a weapon from the vault…is the big question

How much does it cost in honor to upgrade as well

and the class design*

++++ people would play pvp again

Oh and btw guys, what if your BiS legendary drops in castle nathria?
Good luck, while you wait for LFR you’re getting stomped by both classes that get best legendary through dungeons and people that PvE :smiley:
All while we try to play some arenas and get oneshot by rogues/hunters or prot/ret pallys just click away all our hard-built damage.

I just got back to the game but I remember why i unsubbed and quit in WoD now, their complete lack of care for the pvp community is unreal.

we cry think what fury main needs XD ahahahahaha
need to keep cinquest to ssn 2

Also means the strategy from the vault should be “which item costs the most conquest” as you go

joke system

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and let me ruin more for us next week you can upgrade your pvp gear to 184
max to upgrade your pvp honor gear to 197 you need renown 22
BUT YOU START GETTING 203 ILVL GEAR FROM M+10 and 2nd week you get 213 from M+14 :DDDD PVp GEaring is DEAD!!!

Sorry mate but i run Mythic+, Raid and do PvP at same time i deserver to have advantage.

no you dont XD pvp player should have adventage in pvp pve in pve so if you do all you just be equal to all
but now pve player have advantage above pvp ITS WRONG

Your stupid logic fails apart in moment you realize that most peole play both pve and pvp. There is no big majority of palyers what only thing they do is pve and pvp. Most people engage in both. People like you just tend to have this absolute opinons on playerbase which are completly out of place. There are not PvP and PVE players. There are WoW players.

PvP shouldnt ever be about gear. Everybody should be geared fast and try to improve afterwards. And there are quite alot of players only playing PvE or PvP. I dont see why u deserve an advantage? Or do you think in the next Chess tournament the player that played more games should start with more pieces :thinking: ?

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The only thing you deserve is to eat dirt (in game ofc) if you meet someone who outplays you even if you are in mythic raid and arena gear and that person plays in full honor gear, like it used to be for 10 years…

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wtf are you on theres an insane amount of pvp players wich wouldent even step in any dung or raid and they would spam arenas all day for years
same as alot of pve player wich hate pvp
but the problem is that we cant just do what we like wich is pvp i dont want to pve at all i hate world quests raids m+ but i must do it all or other guys wich min max everything or spam PVE will come with raid + m+ gear and destroy me and in shadowlands where theres no PVP scaling ilvl will be super important especialy with stat squish

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You play RPG game yes it should be about gear.

No there isnt. There are total minority compared to pve players and players what engage in both pve and pvp.

So what looked promising is in fact rubbish. 10 weeks to buy a weapon? In MoP the weapons were locked behind earning 7250 conquest and you got 1700 base cap, so everyone could have the weapon at the most 5 weeks after the season started. Now you have to wait for what’s probably close to half the season to get a weapon (if you’re not lucky with RNG)? Terrible.

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