Consequences of Overplaying... 💥


So everyone knows that the World of Warcraft has become a bit of a grind, to a point of burnout in some cases.
(it’s not always the case)

It’s addictive, and not always as simple as just leaving it.

Remember to take a break once and a while.

It might affect your work, partner, marriage, children, household, etc… And yourself mentally (depression/anxiety).

Remember to put your priorities first other than gaming.

Addiction is a disease, please look after yourselves.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying everyone that plays a lot is an addict.


My GF likes my addiction to the game, i’m not going out with friends, no drinking, no smoking, no drugs, no possibilities for other girls :smiley: it is lesser evil and it works :smiley:


Just 1 more hour…


It’s a short day tomorrow, I can nap when I get home - I just need to finish this


Before WoW I had nothing, no GF, no kids, no job nothing…and after 15 years…I still have nothing, except alot of characters =)


Dunno what you are talking about.

I play WoW Classic twice per week to raid and that’s it.

I’m hearing all the different disclaimers from TV ads now :slight_smile:
1. Gambling: Gamble aware, when the fun stops, stop.
2. Alcohol: Always drink responsibly
3. Mortgage: Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other loans secured on it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You have been true to yourself, it is also important to be that…

The mentioned things are overrated


Going in abit deep here so skip if you don’t want heavy stuff =)

Easier said than done in current times.

With the lockdown all I’ve been doing for the last 10 weeks every single day has been work till 5pm then game (mainly WOW) till midnight with the occasional trip to the shops once a week. Its sent me back 2/3 years when i was so depressed its all i did and all i wanted to do to escape life.

im so bored and fed up currently that i cant go and do stuff at weekends and evenings (trips away/days out/restaurants/sight seeing/seeing my partner etc).

I know i’ll come out of this like i did a few years ago. I will most likely be depressed and have anxiety (albeit to a much much less degree). The change now is i have people and support structure in my life.

Having a break is needed but in current times its hard af to do that when most people arent allowed to go out and have a break (due to things being forced to close via gov guidance). If its a choice between watching braindead TV or playing wow ill play wow.

By the way. If anyone is feeling like i am SEEK HELP. I am lucky i have a support structure via work to help me through but i know others do not. Theres a great sea of support out there for anyone with suffering mental health.


Can’t relate. WoW to me is just a hobby I do when I’m bored or it’s raining outside and I’m done with other irl stuff.


Eat healthy, move often, have fresh air, enough light and do sports ^^


On this part, we agree :+1:t2:


Preferably drain it down with sugared Energy Drinks right?


Is life without blackjack and hookers even life at all?


Shouldn’t have too many of those, but need a daily infusion of sugary bubbles for sure. Sprite™ is a safer option.

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I am my scars.


If someone didn’t know me well, they’d think I was addicted. Instead it is simply my favourite video game.

And I think that’s something that needs to be said. SPENDING A LONG TIME ON WoW =/= ADDICTION

Of my three hobbies it is the most accessible, and with me stuck on my computer most days due to recent events it’s become even more so. But I’ll also get obsessed other other games and rotate between them on a whim. Just last week I was hooked on WoT, and before that AoE2.

I’m not trying to diminish gaming addiction in any way. It can be serious and perhaps even financially risky now that so many games have DLC/microtransactions, and WoW is no different (Not to the same extent as some games, but that’s a thought for another thread). But playing a game because you genuinely want to for hours regularly should not be confused with addiction.

As per usual, correct me if I am wrong.


I get like one hour a day when my daughter is napping to play WoW, what is this all day playing you speak of?!?



New year’s Eve 2017: played for 11 hours straight with two bio breaks and a quick dinner.

Those who party are nuts.


You’re doing it wrong. Garrosh would just yell to WoW: YOU MADE ME WHAT I AM!

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