It’s getting grating to see people constantly assume what I do and don’t know, honestly. It seems like every time I form a response, someone comes up with another grand assumption about my “understanding” that I need to reply to because I didn’t write 15,000 word opening statement in my OP listing the qualifications I apparently need to make an opinion.
Umay - just because I haven’t gone onto springhole-dot-com and regurgitated what “tension means in role-play” doesn’t mean I don’t know what it is and how to write it effectively. You aren’t making a point. You’re just defining the term that we all know and take for granted like you always do.
expressed his opinion and frustrations coming from his own experience when RPing in the major HUBs - which I believe is shared by many of us.
the problem is that the OP (and a fair few other people, such as idk, myself) sometimes expect or come with the expectation that random people can perform better than their favourite big brand game or novel.
It doesn’t matter if I write a character that’s vulnerable or is caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment Umay because the fact is there aren’t enough capable writers and services available (in Stormwind). And before you call me pretentious for saying that, am I really being pretentious for pointing out the issue and putting myself in the firing line by making this God-honest suggestion? Our main hub is dead and decaying because there are no stores, no restaurants, no quest-givers, nobody playing NPC’s, victims, and no one challenging anyone, no one providing tension.
No one has any sway over anyone on this realm. I don’t either, thank God, but that’s also a problem, as we’ve ended up with a community full of neurotics and weirdos and egotists that instead of coming together to solve the problem, they bicker relentlessly and swap jokes - see this thread. The few who do make constructive comments usually get overshadowed, sadly.
Writing isn’t “subjective,” either. It’s just hard to detect what is and isn’t good writing, even to the people who claim (or are proven) to be good at it - (which I never have claimed to be or proven, I’ve actually said I’m trying my damnedest to improve) >
'n also, god damn.
Man imagine if people actually didn’t take one specific phrase out of context.