Consider placing your character into difficult circumstances more often

In fact I have!


I can’t say I had any issues with the quality of your writing but you did have a tendency to try turn random RP into spontaneous events, suddenly conjuring and springing NPCs on my character. I remember particularly enjoying your descriptions. However, I am not criticising, or even evaluating, the quality of your writing, I’m analysing your arguments.


They hated Cormier because he told them the truth, just sayin’.


Here’s how the “suggestion” would have been better written:

"Hello fellow people of AD. I have been noticing that there is a lack of more simple roleplay on AD. I do enjoy the environment and the depth that simple roles such as a baker, thief or general victim for more powerful guys can offer.

Listing of reasons why to roleplay that here

Now I know not everyone is willing to put their characters through that or does even wish to play such roles. I have started playing a bit more simple roles myself to create a bit of tension building with strangers. And it has been fun!

I do know that this -might- be only an issue I am noticing but I can only promote the idea of playing (even maybe just for an evening or so) more simple roles. Maybe even make it a server-wide thing? Doesn’t even have to be your main chars! Maybe we can even build a community in that with sort of NPC chars that provide tension and provided problems for people that would like that.

I am looking forward to hear from people. Also I am searching for a group of players that walk around with my warlock to (possibly) do the same. Just with a more devoted group that would add to strangers too. Maybe even make a whole network and think of schemes that people can solve with the ones I find.

It’s basically a group / community to bring your NPC ideas and writing / adventure ideas into play with others since I am a writer and I can make work of it."

You tell me writing is not subjective, yet you don’t seem to notice that many are critisizing your posts here while you are saying “nah nah they are fine”. Anyways… The tone is what matters.


The tone is by and large irrelevant to be honest, to get worked up over how something is written is pretty :zzz:

His point is a good one, and an interesting one, yet from the get-go people started trying to dodge it and pretending that it was Cormier forcing them to RP a certain way, despite this being… a forum thread. Y’know, that forum most RPers don’t even look at.


So like what you’re saying is that you got offended so decided to ignore the context of the OP and started an argument based on your feelings.


Tbf, I’ve basically never started an argument (suppose it’s a debate then anyways?) rationally. That stuff is always motivated by a sudden emotional wedgie on my part.

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If you open your sentence with “people that don’t rp like me and use rp for social activies have no life” then I don’t really want to come up with a good argument myself since why would I?

The context shifted from “it bothers me that there is no roleplay like this” to “yall bad that don’t roleplay this”.


I still have yet to see a quote actually saying this, very :thinking:strange :thinking:

I’ve seen something similar to it, but with a notably different meaning if you don’t blindly ignore the context.

So, y’know, maybe don’t ignore the context of things if you don’t want to get ANGERY over things that don’t really affect you one way or the other. Unless you want to be ANGERY, in which case, you do you.

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Right, so then go ahead and tell me what context this here provides other than to be insulting:

Because clearly you seem to see something in that “context” other than to insult people?

I argue when there’s things to argue tbqh.

this? why is this not being quoted, but only the part people can incriminate? this is like trump calling news FAKE NEWS all over again haha

edit: btw this is the opening to the OP, so like, your ACTUAL first impression

:blush: Cormier is just so dominant and assertive over his opinions

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Still not seeing it chief. Where does he say ‘if you don’t RP my way, you’re a no-lifer’?

He does say he isn’t a no-lifer, and that some people that have commented here, which is especially true of the earlier comments, are no-lifers. Yet, strangely, I just don’t see him saying everyone that doesn’t RP his way is a no-lifer.

Could it be that you feel attacked because his description perfectly matches you? :thinking:

The thread sparks with the fury of a thousand mechanical keyboards. Who will reply first?


I think everyone on this server is a top lad (and gal) because we all share the same hobby - writing, which I think is more bloody magical than all the money in the world, tbh. Was never my intention to insult or place myself above any1. Umay - I re-read your replies, and I’ve taken a lot of advice from them, and I appreciate you typing them up immensely.


It’s like I’m back in college trying to convince my professor that, no, W. Yeats showed clear disdain in his poetry as opposed to harbouring romantic feelings for what’s-her-face again.

Except that I got owned when told that it was, in fact, Yeats proclaiming his poetry precisely that (in public) and then felt stupid for arguing against facts thinking they’re subject to opinion.

Man college days were good.

Did you ever hear of the word “implying”? Which usually has to be clarified by the writer, since different interpretations of a text are possible. Remember the whole “text is subjective” talk?

If I tell you “you should use planes” and then in the next sentence I tell you that “people who are not making use of planes just can’t afford it. Just my frank opinion lol, I can use planes though”.

What exactly would that imply? That I think everyone but me is poor? That I put myself higher than others for being able to afford a plane ticket? You probably can name a few more interpretations.

Here’s how a clarified answer works where you explain your reason:

“Using a plane is good because it’s faster than a car. Both have their positive and negative points.” And then you go on without making it seem like you put yourself higher than someone else. Because that’s what he did. Or would you say that a smug way of how he presented is it not giving some signs? Some people interpretate it as smug in this very thread. Some as insulting and some as ok.

You call that a clear stating of what his desired interpretation is?

Yea but what if it doesn’t and the outright lack of his initial point is the problem?


Oh but he made a point.
TL;DR: Try going out of your comfort zone and you might enjoy it.

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Then you clearly have a different interpretation than I have. As already seen above.

In all 100% seriousness, I think this is a good response, and no further need to discuss your intentions since you stated them clearly here now :slight_smile:

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You’re arguing about how it sounds as if anyone here is obliged to make anything sound pleasant in any way. Some people like sarcasm, others don’t. Some people like a snarky tone & find it funny, others don’t. Some see straight-to-the-point and honest, others see insulting and smug.

Why not, like, argue & discuss the actual/supposed problems brought up instead? Everything you’ve said so far is ‘I don’t like the OP’s tone’ which is fair. But what about the things he actually says? Such as people inserting themselves in their characters too much, or people not creating immersive and realistic characters for a war-torn setting?

It’s not like you’re bound by sacred duty to ensure that the foulness of a dirty forum poster with 20 posts and 5 likes must not proceed unpunished, for he smeathered the good freedom of SecondLife players.

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So basically your problem is that you don’t like the way you read his post.
