My name is not important. What is important is what I’m going to do.
This is generally why I play as a Rogue on the RP servers there’s a lot of wiggle room for creating tension around them and I don’t mean from a game play perspective.
For example this character here is very apathetic towards the war and thus wants no part in it. But then something like Legion invades and she realizes that she needs the help of others in order to survive.
You’re a good lad, and this post accurately summed up by OP. Yeah - that’s very true. Sometimes tension doesn’t go well. Personally, I reckon that’s what puts people off doing it, and why it isn’t done enough. Risk is risky business.
Cormier, I am a writer as well. I love practicing my impromptu writing on Role-Playing medias and games, and it is quite useful for motivating you in other aspects about the craft.
Nevertheless, reading what you just said, makes me really think you don’t know what writing is about. In fact, I think you have a sad notion about what role-play and writing is. I could explain why, but something tells me you’re not a dumb person and know I’m right.
Top 10 anime betrayals.
Hah, nerd.
I don’t think you know me well enough to make that call off a handful of forum posts really, do you fella? Let’s be fair to each other here. The fact I didn’t state and make a song and dance about the fact that I love interacting with other people on this online community doesn’t mean I don’t, now does it? In fact, it’s the opposite - I made this thread because I know most people I interact with feel that most of their interactions are hollow and I want to make a difference.
I don’t believe that you need to pick only one of these things tbh
You said enough to make me think that, others seem to do as well. The meme about “good rp” is a myth made by sad people who want to feel important and have the testicular capacity to presume that they know best. You are really coming off as one of them – again, if you just want to practice your writing, you can do so by yourself without having all the pesky “social interaction” you seem to not be willing to have.
To be frank, your attitude is not helping your case here dude.
People play games to escape the reality of flaws or other issues they are dealing with in Real life, not to roleplay them out. WoW is inherently a game about heroes.
I think you’re focusing on the wrong aspect here of the thread here, honestly. Seems to me like most people here are retardant to constructive criticism about their role-playing and get seriously defensive when someone makes a frank suggestion, which is a little telling, honestly.
God I am so sad
Yeah, gonna have to say no to that, sorry. The game is about heroes, your role-play can be whatever you want it to be. Doesn’t mean it’s going to be liked, nor does it mean you’ll get appreciative feedback from it. You do it because you like it, you do it because it is fun. People may have fun putting their characters in difficult scenarios because it is entertaining, or because it is stimulating, or whatever.
Don’t let the game’s overall theme tell you that you can’t do this or that. Of course, there’s the setting’s lore and all that jazz. All I’m saying is: use common sense when it comes down to you either playing a farmer yokel or a grizzled war veteran.
My attitude is what it is. I don’t make any apologies for being frank. I’m not going to apologise either for not being a no-lifer who needs role-play as a substitute for socialising, either, which apparently is the dominant reoccurring motif of this thread at this point.
I don’t disagree with your point. People can play what they want. That’s in my OP. What I’m saying is, the heroes should have bad and vulnerable days too, so that their friends can gain growth by helping them. … That’s it.
This ain’t it, chief.
Ok so you come in with a suggestion, tell people not to be hostile and then get incredibly (from the tone your post is giving off) defensive and passive-aggressive when people criticize or disagree with you?
My attitude is what it is. I don’t make any apologies for being frank. I’m not going to apologise either for not being a no-lifer who needs role-play as a substitute for socialising, either, which apparently is the dominant reoccurring motif of this thread at this point.
I personally don’t think insulting people back is going to fix anything nor is it going to incite any sort of productive discussion.
I’ll just say this: heroes should indeed have bad days, and nobodies should also have fantastic days.
Doesn’t mean it’ll always happen, doesn’t mean you can force people to do that either. You said your piece, I agree with some of it; I disagree with your attitude.
True true Second Life RP
is awful and needs to stop on AD
Ignoring the rest of this threat. I don’t pick sides or anything. But… This. This caught my attention:
I’ll just…
Damn you’d be suprised.
The ultimate truth here.