Considering transferring

Hey travelers!

I recently started playing WOW Classic for the first time since 2013 and I am currently in a PVP server. I started playing WOW in the wotlk but mostly in Cataclysm and MOP. I’ve always wanted to have the authentic vanilla experience and I’m really into all the early Warcraft and WOW lore. That’s why I’m returning to the Classic.

However, after a month in a pvp server, I am a bit disappointed and feeling that no one really cares about the stories or what’s happening in the open world anymore (at least at the current stage), which makes it no different from the experience I had previously. That’s when I started to pay attention to RP servers, although I have never done RP before. The impressions I’ve gotten from different channels about RP servers really appeal to me and I am seriously considering coming to Zandalar Tribe now.

So I just have one last thing to deal with: should I transfer or create a new character? I would definitely want to transfer my level 43 hunters to the RP server but I have already transferred once a few weeks ago (when it was around level 20 to avoid the crazy line every night at Firemaw) and I have to wait 2 months to be able to do it again. Or I can create a new character but my time is not that abundant and leveling another character to my current level with all the professions and secondary professions at 225 seems to be a huge commitment and I’m not sure if I have the passion to do it again.

So my question is, is leveling really a great experience in Zandalar Tribe? Or the RP content is more relevant at the max level? If leveling is truly different in a RP server then I might consider rerolling but otherwise I’ll just wait a couple of months to buy a new transfer.

Please let me know your thoughts and all suggestions will be appreciated!

The community is very friendly and mature, at least on the Horde side, and the levelling experience is great, honestly. RP can be rather sporadic outside of guilds/events, but occurs on pretty much all levels.


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The community on Horde is pretty great - you can get practically any type of RP you want - from horde warbands to cultists and crime cartels. Mostly for RP level doesn’t matter much. I recommend you to join RP discord and check it there also.

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