Consoleport - only loadable on demand

Hey folks,

I’m trying to make WoW work on Steam Deck and I’m in love with the idea.

The only thing - ConsolePort has three elements as “only loadable on demand” and I can’t make it work.

I tried installing different versions, I tried killing other addons and WTF folder, still no use. Anyone has an advice? Hasn’t been playing the game for many years and feels like I found a perfect device.

There should be 7 folders for the ConsolePort addon in your interface folder. Make sure all 7 are ticked/enabled on the addon selection panel in game. (Especially the one that’s just named “ConsolePort” as the others depend on that one).

Only loadable on demand just means that it only loads when the core addon needs it to, so that’s nothing to worry about and perfectly normal.

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Here are the modules that are not loading:

  • config
  • cursor
  • keyboard

There are really important parts and my bidings are not working :frowning:

Just tried the latest version of the addon for you on retail and i got the config panel, but also a bunch on LUA errors when trying to do anything with it and it locked my game with an overlay, resulting in me to only be able to exit with Alt+F4 as no keybinds worked, not even ESC. So looks like it’s has some issues.

You could try contact the author on Discord for help (link from Curse site).

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