Constant and ongoing harassment in World of Warcraft

Hello, I am being constantly harassed ingame, it’s been ongoing now for 2 weeks.
This other player is currently online on a lvl 20 horde pandaren.
He stands on top of me and spams toys and prevents me from doing any roleplay. I am playing on the server Argent Dawn.

Please help me stop this, the constant harassment is ruining the whole came for me and the in-game report function does nothing to help me, both myself and nymerous other players have reported this playere but nothing is helping.

Please don’t tell me to use the ingame report function or write a ticket, I have done it all. Can an admin just poke a colleague so someone can get rid of this person for me?

Also the /ignore function should make him unable to use toys on me, or just have him fade out of my game completely. He follows me around everywhere.

Hello Lolalight.

Reports or requests of action for harassment and similar behavior can not be dealt with upon request on Forums, “naming and shaming” other players on this platform is actually against the code of conduct - reason why I have removed the character name from your post.

As much as you don’t want to read this, I have to confirm that you will necessarily need to use the relevant in-game options to report this player.

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