Constant damages & Primordius debuffs all the time

Hello there, after Primordius HM today on Remix, my debuffs (-100% haste, -100% all stats etc) did not went away. After using scroll of cleansing or any cleans, it just comes back again & again

I was also taking 2 millions damages every second for some reason.

After getting back to my Shrine, all debuff where gone but not the damages. I cant use my hearthstone, I cant scrap more than 2 items in a row and I cant use some items.

I went to do Primordius LFR few minutes ago (my HM raid was 8h ago) and debuff are back as soon as I enter ToT.

What should I do? I have screenshots & video but cant post a link.

EDIT : Problem solved, I guess it was related to my ToT ID.
Was gone when I logged today.

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