Constant lag in Azure Span

Very laggy on Blade’s Edge as well (can’t say why, but it is)

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same in everywhere

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+1 Silvermoon

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+1 Tarren Mill. Please fix. Game is unplayable. 10 second delay while just fishing is just stupid.

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i thought that azure span lags is only for me XD

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Same for me Azure Span Draenor

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Same on Chamber of Aspects :disappointed_relieved:

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Yep, same thing Lightning’s Blade

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Seems as bad today as yesterday, 2-3 sec spell cast/mob looting lag.

Edit: I make that 3-5 sec lag now.

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We’ve even got the lag on our low pop server :rofl:

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Yup, Stormrage and Turalyon as well.
I guess that ends my return to the game. The lag is there 24/7. I usually get up at about 5am and even then, laghell.

It’s nothing to do with events. It’s just completely b0rked design.

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Search EU battlenet lookingglass. You will see its blizzard’s servers. specifically

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+1 on Dentarg.
It’s really unbearable. Something as simple as turning in a quest, is now a near 10-second thing (if you’re lucky).
Looting something? - it’ll take 2-5 seconds. Forget about pulling/grouping mobs and looting - that’ll take forever to loot. Sometimes the mobs will even have spawned again, before it’s done looting everything.

Any action takes forever, really.

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The lag in general is quite unbearable. I LOVE Dragonflight, it’s amazing, but it can not be done with a 2000+ latency. It just doesn’t work. It completely ruins the entire gaming experience and makes me mad. I don’t want to be mad. I want to smile and be able to enjoy the game. But I can’t right now :frowning:
That makes me supersad panda…cow.


Same on Emerald Dream, game is unplayable at this point!

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Same on Burning Legion, game is unplayable.

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Same on Burning Legion, game is unplayable! Everywhere else is ok and when it flies into azure span it’s a massacre.
Even if you want to collect digs, the character collects and collects nothing and the rock disappears


@Blizzard Please sort this out we all pay a sub for this game and this is not a good player experience at all.

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Ok Azure Span just started lagging really badly on Aggramar too. Unplayable lag. Like 12 seconds to loot a mob, and don’t even try combat, by the time you get your first spell off, you’re already dead.

Its ONLY in the Azure Span, none of the other zones are affected.

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Same on Twisting Nether.

It was actually so unberable I had to leave the game for the sake of my sanity.