Constant lag in one area (Ardenweald)

Server: EU - Burning Legion

There is constant lag in area of Ardenweald, second day now. It makes questing there next to impossible, since abilities get used after 2s. Same with looting items. If You ask on general chat - plenty of people experiencing this issue.

I play with my wife, she sits next to me at her own computer. She experiences same lags in Ardenweald, but as soon as she’s in another area, her game is fine while I still experience constant 1-2s lag whatever I do. (I’m writing it to dismiss any claim that my ISP or my own network might be cause of that - it is not.)

Last week there were similar problems… but in another area. Now I can’t remember which. But someone smartly pointed out possible culprit. It is always the area that has world boss present that is affected by lag.

Frankly - I consider this level of service unacceptable. It’s like Netflix streamed all comedies only in 360p. It’s there, but who would like to watch it this way? So. You do take players money. Please, deal with the issue, which by all means, is not new and from what I see - it’s 100% on Your side.


I have been playing on Burning Blade having similar issues in arenwald

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Problem exist for long time. Blizzard ignore report about this.

and i report before expansion but blizzard ignore me:

Best Regards