Constant latency spikes

Whole day today there are issues with absurd lag spikes on Blizzard’s node in Amsterdam (screenshot link attached). Every 30-40 minutes for 10-20 minutes. And no, it’s not something out of Blizzard’s power - it is happening exactly on their node (see screenshot). Making this thread to bump the issue as I imagine it will last - like in all previous instances of similar issues - for a week or two…


And here’s screenshot showing how small are the gaps between those spikes:


I think that a post like this should get more upvotes so that Blizzard realized what’s going on.
My average ping is between 48-50 ms but today i log in in Thunfer Bluff and i had spikes from 400+ ms, 200+, 100+ then it goes back to normal ping values for a short time before spiking again.