Hello there, I would like to sum up the issues there are in WM ON:
I will start with my general overall opinion about pvp:
Sustained dps is too low, burst damage is too high => this leads to boring playstyle where you pop all CDs and either kill someone or you have to hit like wet noodles for another 3 minutes until your CDs are up again.
This also lead to Blizz “fixing” arenas (because they were too long into dampening) by nerfing offheals for hybrids (-33% in PvP), nerfing their mana regen (-33%) and nerfing healers mana regen (-50%).
That is not fun and basically causes vast majority of arena goal to just burn down the healer out of the mana so he can’t heal. Arenas should be in my opinion about Setup, CC, Positioning, Interrupts and Clean kill.
If the overall dmg was higher and burst lower, I believe it would solve the length of the arenas itself, healers would have to spend more mana and there would be no needs for those nerfs.
Certain skills and items are too OP in PvP (broken) - remember how awful was Wotlk in terms of mana burn and healing reduction so Blizz removed it in Cata? Remember how arenas priest vs priest was just about who casts those mana burns a bit faster? Well, we got it back! DH has Mana Rift which burns 8% max mana, in the current meta this is awfully dumb and OP skill. (It is also on short 10 sec CD, deals dmg and there is almost no way you can deal with it.)
Mortal Strike 50% healing reduction (I remember warrior was cutting trees in arenas so easily (Droods in Treant Form)… blind tunneling is not about skill, yet with 50% healing reduction you can just tunnel. (Shadow Priests also have 50% healing reduction via Psyfiend.)
Maledict, especially when chain casted by multiple players - basically 90k+ dmg per player, no way to outheal that stuff. That is not fun.Fixed in 8.2
Now about WM ON and WPvP:
Realm sharding is imbalanced and you usually play at ratio of like ally:horde 1:5
It is not fun, but I guess nothing Blizzard can do unless they manage to get more allies to participate in PvP or add balancing way similar like Ashran had in WoD (allow hordies to be mercenaries and fight for the alliance).
Nazjatar pets do ridiculous damage, AND cast CC as well! (stuns)
No further comment needed, just look at the screenshots.
And bonus one - fight vs protection paladin who is 20 ilvl lower, just Judgment and autoattacking + pet => that is 84.6% of his total dmg!! What a high skill cap needed!
edit: Those broken pets’ stun is off DR and Icebound Fortitude doesn’t work on it either.
Realm hopping - ppl disappearing during PvP, or the other way around, many people spawning on top of you. This could be somehow fixed by not allowing to realm hop during PvP combat and unabling to realm hop for few minutes after PvP combat ends.
- Guards with WM ON - they are much weaker than with WM OFF. I would expect them to be tuned exactly opposite way, to make villages at least a bit safer since you’re not safe at all out in the open. At the moment guards with WM ON are just laughable and rather useless. Their AI is also questionable since when you get attacked and just heal yourself as a healer, they sometimes go after you, not the attacker (Mechagon guards for example).